Oh, I'm Still Blogging, A'ight, Just Not Here: We've moved back home and are posting all content (as of March 2013) on our main page at ThisFullHouse.com, again. Why?!? Good question!!!
I started This Full House in 2003: (when blogging was still in diapers) to connect with other parents, share stories and feel a little less disconnected with life outside my front door, beyond all the dust bunnies and diapers.
I started This Full House Reviews in 2007: as a way to expand our reach, as the blogging world began to grow, and share information on products and services that perhaps help make life for larger families (like mine) a little easier.
Then a wonderful thing happened: I started partnering with brands (i.e. Kellogg's, Hallmark, PBS Kids, Readers Digest, Taste of Home Magazine) to help connect with REAL families (both, online and IRL) by helping to provide engaging and (hopefully) entertaining content, based on our real life stories and experiences.
Maintaining 2 blogs is a challenge: still, I enjoy(ed) being able to give my online friends the option of visiting with us, wherever they felt more comfortable doing so.
That being said, it has taken me 6 years to realize: guess what?!? The stories I share(d) on both of my blogs have always been...and continue to be...EXACTLY the same...because I'm quick like that!
Entering my 10th year of blogging, I have decided to focus ALL of my writing back to ThisFullHouse.com: as an attempt to keep my space in the blogging world as simple and cohesive as possible...by blogging like it's 2003...all over again.
I am committed to helping my online friends feel as comfortable as possible: by sharing our stories...just the same as we've done for the last 10 years...and letting you know (yes, YOU!) whenever I partner with brands in helping to spread the word on campaigns my family and I feel very passionate about, with a little note at the top of that particular blog post.
Hopefully, allowing our online friends to choose whether or not to engage in any particular conversation: because, it's how we roll...since 2003.
I am very proud of this space and it is NOT going anywhere: my family and I have shared many stories and experiences in this space. We have been blessed with opportunities of being introduced to many of our online friends, who we now consider family, because of this blog.

You are MORE than welcome to visit with us at ThisFullHouse.com: I really hope you consider joining us there! We're keeping the porch lights on...here, too...just in case.
Or, keep up with all our crazy shenanigans on the This Full House fan page on Facebook: when you have time, of course!
With warmest regards, my deepest respect and MUCH love always,