Welcome to the April 14, 2008 Edition of the Review Bloggers Carnival!
It's no secret. I like getting stuff. I like writing about the stuff that we like and perhaps make my family's life a little easier. Especially, if it works!
Or, I haven't managed to break it...YET!
Do you have a review blog - or, perhaps found a product (or, service) that you really, really like and you're aching to share with the rest of the blogosphere - then, you may be interested to learn that the Review Bloggers Carnival has come to This Full House!
Clean off a chair and come on in - mi casa, y su casa - as we canvas the blogosphere and share together in the ultimate consumer experience....window shopping!
Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of attending Johnson & Johnson's Camp Baby and got a bird's eye view of exactly what companies are willing to do, to try and peek inside the head of a mom blogger.
All hair braiding and detailed diagrams of our malfunctioning lady parts, aside I believe that even J&J was a little surprised to learn that...you know...we are NOT so easily defined, nor should a blogger be judged by her (or, his) breeding status, alone.
"So, what do they expect from all you moms?"
Apparently, my FIL was contemplating the same thing at dinner, last night.
[shrugs shoulders]
"Well, to be nice to them the next time we, you know, talk about their stuff...I guess."
Quite frankly, I can't help but appreciate a company that gives really good swag - honestly, what mother wouldn't? - however, I am also a blogger and very comfortable with the relationships I've formed in the Web 2.0 community.
My addiction to Twitter, not so much.
Then again, Barack Obama IS following me - along with about 23,000 others on Twitter, I mean - and Edith makes an interesting analysis on just how web-savvy our political front runners really are, as she presents Obama, Clinton and Web 2.0 posted at Edith Yeung.Com: Dream. Think. Act.
This week, our bloggers are talking about seeking ways to help us through those less than stellar moments that can totally rock our world and mess up any thoughts of ever getting back into a, you know, happier place.
Life happens, right?
Steve Oliphant presents Just what ARE you learning from your mistakes? posted at Steve Oliphant's Musings.
Leslie Carbone presents A Grief Autopsied posted at Leslie Carbone.
When it comes to clothes shopping - not to mention, having given birth...four times - I feel it safe to say that I consider myself to be a truly hip mom. No, really. They've grown two, or three hundred inches and I seem to have lost sight of my waist.
So, what's a mom (like me) living in the world of low-rise jeans to do, anyway?
Ginny Brewster presents Review: Hip-T the Must have shirt addition posted at Mom of 2 Dancers.
No more muffin top, or plumber's crack, EVUH!
Another thing I hate - thongs!
[blank stare]
They are a real pain in the butt - speaking of which, Charles H. Green presents Customer Service Showdown: The Cable Company vs the DMV posted at Trust Matters, saying:
"Two reviews-- one of the DMV, one of Comcast. Who has better customer service?"
Nice segway, yes?
Moving on - Raymond presents U-Haul Rental Trucks Suck posted at Money Blue Book.
It was the night before Tax Day and all through the house...not a creature was stirring...not if they know what's good for them!
My poor husband, Garth (not his real name) and I are going nucking futs trying to make ends meet, this year!
What, you too?
Sally Thompson presents The Freeloader?s Toolbelt: 50 Tools to Help You Get Anything Free Online posted at Free Geekery.
Free is good; having to pay about a bazillion percent of interest on your credit cards is bad!
Raymond presents The 6 Best Credit Cards According To CNN Money posted at Money Blue Book.
Well, it's about time - I sure could use a little good news, right about now - summer is almost here and Lyon presents Review Of Dermacia Breathable Foundation With SPF15 posted at Let's Go Shopping!!!.
I've been blogging for nearly 5 years, now (yeah, I know) and, like my kids, the blogosphere is growing at an alarming rate AND it's evolving. Into what, is anyone's guess. I imagine it will either be an entity that is filled with kindness and knowledge, or something really big and hairy.
Or, both - either way, I'm sure it will come complete with a haunting voice and really cool special effects.
Yes, but are there any rules to the game?
Rickey Henderson presents Marvel as Rickey Tells You How To Blog! posted at Riding with Rickey.
Stephen Dean presents Your Is A Negative Word posted at Internet Business Blog.
Charles H. Green presents Trust Based Selling in the Real World Case Study Number 10 posted at Trust Matters, saying:
"When I switched from Microsoft to a Mac I needed help. That's where Codeweavers came in."
Tali presents Welcome to The (new and improved) Marketer Review or Why I posted at The Marketer Review, saying:
"It’s shiny, it’s pretty and it’s fully functional! It’s The Marketer Review! New and improved! But why did I move?"
She had me at shiny and pretty.
Reviewing one of my new favorite finds, Yanik Chauvin presents Adobe PhotoShop Express Review | Yanik's Photo Blog posted at Yanik's Photo Blog.
Brian Terry presents Top 10 Posts To A Big Selling Website posted at Big Selling Website Design.
Tali presents Simpleology Blogging - Oversimplified? posted at The Marketer Review, saying:
"I'm a big fan of Mark Joyner's work. In my opinion Simpleology 101 was a stroke of genius, on many levels. But even my favorite things need a thorough scrutiny, sometimes."
[slams down hard on the red button]
Well, that was easy.
That concludes the Edition of Review Bloggers Carnival - thank you ALL so much for your terrific submissions, this month - it's a brandy new year and I look forward to working with and meeting many more bloggers, like you!
You can submit your blog article to the next edition of review bloggers (deadline is, April 27, 2008) using our carnival submission form and reviewing our submissions guidelines.
Go ahead, it's easy - past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page - just write about the things you like and share it with the rest of us!
Happy Reviewing!
© 2008 This Full House - All Rights Reserved.
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