Only 2 more sleeps until Mother's Day and - though, I've already posted my idea of the perfect gift for Mother's Day on my other blog - here are a few more links of some pretty cool giveaways going around the Internets in celebration of Motherhood:
5 Minutes for Mom: If you haven't had the chance to visit this site, take a few minutes (more than 5 is okay, too) and check out the $1,000 Mother's Day Photo Contest and their amazing list of other, the one for the Kodak ESP 3 All-in-One-Printer...because, I broke mine and that baby is SO on my list!
Mamanista: You can win a Scootababy and a pair of gorgeous diamond earrings...that's right, DIAMONDS...they ARE a girl's best friend!
ModMom: Is giving away a Kodak 8.1 megapixel digital camera and iPod Nano from one of my favorites places in the whole wide world - why, Target (Tahr-Shay) of course - and you've got plenty of time, because this contest doesn't end until May 31st! Is holding their 5th Annual Mommyfest - an interactive online event for moms - May 12th thru 16th, where bloggers are introduced to some really cool guest speakers and a chance to win some awesome prizes. Participation is easy and This Full House Reviews (that's me!) will be hosting a giveaway for this event, as well...details coming soon.
Work-it-Mom: Is hosting a contest and asking readers to write A Mother's Day Tribute for a $150.00 gift certificate from - details are here!
[takes deep breath]
Speaking of hard-working moms:
CityMama is giving away a Wii Fit and...WHAT? want a Wii to go with that whine? No prob; she's giving that away, too. All you have to do is write a post about your most embarrassing fitness moment.
Here's mine:
In school I was "the skinny kid" with the scabbed-over knees, happily strutting around with my twin brother (and his friends) and wearing my band aids like trophies.
Then, I hit the 3rd grade and all hell broke loose on my body.
I developed very early and, by the 6th grade, I was the tallest one in my class and kids would call me names like "Amazon" and "SheMan."
My mother said I was "big-boned" and I suspect it was because the poor woman was 13 lbs. when she was born and perhaps already knew that I was genetically doomed to be "a big girl." Either way, it sucked and my Aunt Theresa (who was 5' and 11") took pity on me and signed us both up for karate class when I was in the 8th grade.
It was great. The outfit was much more comfortable than the stupid clothes kids were required to wear in gym - a very unflattering jumpsuit that ended with an elastic thigh...UGH - in fact, my karate uniform felt more like a loose pair of comfy pajamas. I loved it!
[eyes go wide]
After an extremely powerful kick, followed by a deep lunge, I jumped up from the mat and followed everyone's gaze to see that my Kotex pad had fallen out and was lying on the floor (face up) and in front of the entire class!
Yeah, I roll like that.
[the sound of crickets chirping]
Did I mention, this was just before self-stick maxi pads came out and I totally forgot to wear my belt!?!?
Don't know what the heck I'm talking about, do you? Well, it WAS 1970-something. But, I bet each of you have your own horror stories of menstruation, too.
Even Walt Disney!
Ain't being born female GRAND!?!?
[heavy sigh]
Happy Mother's Day, everyone!
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