[9/6: This giveaway has closed and WE HAVE A WINNER - Congratulations, Abby!!!]
Welcome to Day 7of our Back-to-School Picks & Giveaway sponsored by some awesomely generous people who have graciously agreed to provide some really cool stuff for you (yes, YOU!) and your...I mean, mine...okay, isn't it time we ALL kicked our kids...back-to-school!?!?
Seriously, I've got lots of great stuff to share with you.
Our kick-off giveaway drew 400 responses - Holy Craps! - what a great way to celebrate the last week of summer!
Having 4 kids, attending 4 different schools this year, we've got something for everyone and giving cool stuff away, everyday:
Day 1: Coloring Fun - for my 2nd grader, Mini-me.
Day 2: Sports and More - for my 4th grader, The Boy.
Day 3: Street Smart Supplies - for my 7th grader, Thing Two.
Day 4: A New Backpack - for my...GULP...9th grader, Thing One.
Day 5: TGIF: It's movie night.
Day 6: Lunch Box Fun and Healthy Snacks.
Day 7: Best Tressed for Pre-school.
Day 8: Study Guides for Kids and Parents, too!
These picks, as always, are advertorial free. No one is paying me, to talk about their product. It's just some really nice stuff that I thought you guys would like, too.
Today, we're going back to pre-school!
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