Welcome to the Febrauary 23, 2009 Edition of the Review Bloggers Carnival!
It's no secret. I like getting stuff. I like writing about the stuff that we like and perhaps make my family's life a little easier. Especially, if it works!
Or, I haven't managed to break it...YET!
Do you have a review blog - or, perhaps found a product (or, service) that you really, really like and you're aching to share with the rest of the blogosphere - then, you may be interested to learn that the Review Bloggers Carnival has come to This Full House!
Clean off a chair and come on in - mi casa, y su casa - as we canvas the Internets and share together in the ultimate consumer experience....window shopping!
nickel presents TurboTax vs. TaxCut: Which is Better? posted at fivecentnickel.com.
Ashley Cook presents Quick Home Meal Ideas posted at Frugal Girl, saying:
"Some ideas for a quick, healthy, and cheap treat."
jim presents The Frugal Millionaires by Jeff Lehman posted at Blueprint for Financial Prosperity.
Modern Parent presents Review: Picture People posted at Modernparent.org, saying:
"I reviewed three photography studios used for children's pictures: Picture People, Kiddie Kandids and JC Penney Portrait Studios."
sujanti djuanda presents Kindle 2: Amazon's New Wireless Reading Device Review posted at 1st My Review, saying:
"If your eyes are often tired caused by reading or you don't have bookshelf to store many books, etc you can consider buying this Kindle 2: Amazon's New Wireless Reading Device (Latest Generation) that will be launched on February 24th, 2009."
jim presents MyFICO ScoreWatch Review: Perfect for Credit Score Junkies! posted at Blueprint for Financial Prosperity.
Gary R. presents RV versus Tent Camping posted at Camping Tips, saying:
"Drive through any campground and you'll quickly see that camping equipment runs the gamut from $20 pup tents to $400,000 motor homes, complete with satellite TVs and Astroturf."
Dog Lover presents Dog Owner Guide posted at Dog Owner Guide, saying:
"With the recession, why pay hundreds or thousands of dollars on a home security system when good ole Fido can be trained to be a good watch dog!"
That concludes the 36th Edition of Review Bloggers Carnival - thank you ALL so much for your terrific submissions, this month.
You can submit your blog article(s) to the next edition of Review Bloggers (deadline is March 8th by 12 noon e.s.t.) using our carnival submission form and reviewing our submissions guidelines.
Go ahead, it's easy - past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page - just write about the things you like and share it with the rest of us!
Happy Reviewing!
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