I recently got the chance to take a behind-the-scenes peek at the Kraft Kitchens, where 7 bloggers (and I) put our cooking skillz to the test.
Busy Mom and I got to make a layered torte, with Kraft Kitchen Manager - Tracy Sherva, which I thought was fancy enough to serve to the in-laws and pretend that it was, you know, NOT so easy!
So, by popular demand, here's the recipe -- please note that it was a "test recipe" for Christmas 2010 and measurements are approximate, because I'm not a baker and wasn't smart enough to take notes, but you know that, already:
Tracy took a frozen pound cake (easier to cut) and sliced it into something like 26 pieces.
Melted 4 squares of white chocolate in the microwave for about 30 seconds, or so.
Mixed 1 brick of softened cream cheese and added melted white chocolate.
Added 1 package vanilla pudding and 1 cup Cool Whip.
Line a cake pan with plastic wrap and start layering in pound cake.
Brush pound cake with softened (in microwave for a few seconds) raspberry (or, your favorite) jam.
Spread half of creme filling on top of 1st layer -- repeat with another layer of pound cake, brushing with jam and spreading rest of creme on top and end with another layer of pound cake. So, your layers look like this: 1 layer of cake, creme filling, 1 layer of cake, creme filling, 1 layer of cake.
Refrigerate for a couple of hours (or, overnight is good) and turn out onto a pretty plate.
Layered torte is ready to frost!
Frost with Cool Whip and decorate with raspberries (or, whatever fruit you like, really)
I finished it (above) by shaving white chocolate (using vegetable peeler) onto top of cake and that's it -- you're done!
This was Busy Mom's cake -- decorated a little differently -- and it WAS good!!!
[No payment was received for this post - just adding some more yummy stuff to file into my recipe book, or whenever I come up with a few good recipes, of my own, too!!!]
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