My kids love to draw. What, don't tell me, you've become quite the collector of refrigerator art, too, right?
Then, one of them will blurt out something really, really funny and, well, it's hard to reprimand a child, while trying not to laugh, or talking through clenched teeth (or, both!)
Kids really do say the funniest things, sometimes.
My youngest daughter is 9, going on 40 and I often times refer to her as, "Mommy's little ticket into heaven!"
Evidenced, by a very recent conversation while driving home from band practice:
9yo: A boy told me playing a clarinet was stupid.
Me: What did you say?
9yo: I told him maybe he should think about playing the clarinet!
True story; you can see it on my personal Facebook page!
To find out the judge and official contest rules, visit Role Mommy.
Feel free to also visit the OhBrother! Facebook Fan Page and let them know you've entered the contest.
In the meantime, good luck and if anybody needs me, I'll upstairs, you know, pretending to be asleep.