Last month, I got the chance to tell you about a terrific program to help folks (like us) save for college while getting your holiday shopping done.
With only 6 more shopping days left until Christmas (I know, how in the heck did THAT happen?!?) today, I'm excited to share some great last-minute savings tips from the good folks at Upromise:
GIVE THE GIFT OF COLLEGE: Friends and family can contribute money for college into a 529 college savings plan. For most 529 plans administered by Sallie Mae’s Upromise Investments, Ugift enables gift contributions to go directly to a child’s 529 college savings account.
SHOP WITH A REWARDING CARD: A recent Upromise survey revealed 41 percent of parents plan to shop with a credit card with rewards. Upromise World MasterCard card holders can earn 11 percent cash back for college on eligible online purchases through by Dec. 31, 2011. Information about rates, fees, other costs and benefits associated with the Upromise credit card is available at
CRACK THE COUPON CODE: Available online coupons are at your fingertips on for online retailers of choice.
I have to confess, my husband and I are not huge fans of credit cards! In an emergency, however, you sometimes don't have a choice.
So, we took advantage of signing up for the Holiday Savings Program offered at work: it allows us to set aside funds throughout the year, which made it easy to set our holiday shopping budget, as well.
The funds are deposited into our checking account in November.
Also, you can use the funds for property taxes, vacations, home improvements or for just a rainy day.
I was very happy to learn that we could also take advantage of Upromise savings by using my debit card, too!
Because, these days, every little bit helps, right?!?
FIND IT HERE: Feel free to sign up, here (when you have time, of course) in the meantime, if anyone needs me, I'll be right here, recovering from Thanksgiving and un-hiding the laundry.
Happy Shopping, everyone!
© 2003 - 2011 This Full House
Disclosure: I am a consultant for Upromise and a compensated Upromise college savings ambassador. Signing up for the program via the link in this blog post will help us save a little milk money, too, thanks!