I was raised in a very superstitious household where spilled salt and broken mirrors were considered unfavorable signs of bad things to come.
Being a very clumsy child, I was a cause of deep concern for my family (still am) and often times found myself the subject of one of my grandmother's homemade remedies, lucky charms or special requests to ancestors who were then assigned the task of becoming our guardian angels.
Do I believe in good luck? Well, there was this one time:
It was raining...HARD...and I'd been fighting off a migraine the entire week. On this particular day I finally admitted defeat, came downstairs, took something for the pain (because, I couldn't lift the sledge hammer) and crawled my way back into the nearest bed.
I sat up from a dead sleep and had this terrible urge to get up and...make myself a cup of coffee: take it from me, the last thing a migraine-sufferer (like me) wants to do is to get up and do...well, anything...unless, I really, really have to.
Still, I walked (verrrrrrrrrry, verrrrrrrrrry sloooooooooowly) to the front of the house, started filling the kettle with water and just stood there staring out the kitchen window.
[lights flickering]
I remember thinking, "That's weird."
Then, "HOLY CATS! The house is on fire!"
I grabbed a kitchen towel, ran to the playroom, ripped open the back door and slapped at the flames shooting out of the electrical box.
About a 30 minutes later, as the firemen finished prying the melted box out of the wall, I was standing under a tree on the front lawn (soaking wet and still wearing my pajamas, btw) when one of the police officers came over to talk to me.
"Okay, the power's back on and we've capped the wires and everything else looks...okay...but, keep the kids away from the back of the house, just in case."
He then started to walk away, but quickly turned around and added:
"Oh, and good thing it was raining...and you were downstairs at the time...and you were actually able to see it catch fire...well, Ma'am...you know, it could have been A WHOLE LOT worse -- you ARE very lucky!"
I smiled, nodded my aching head, looked up towards the sky, silently thanked my guardian angel for, you know, waking me up and then went inside to finish making that cup of coffee: but, not before puking all over the front lawn, of course!
Now, it's your turn.
Tell me about the last time good luck was on your side for your chance to win a Keurig coffee maker and a one year's supply of International Delight creamer by completing these two steps, right here:
1. Share the International Delight's Luck of the Irish Facebook Contest with your friends below
2. Tell us that you’ve invited your friends to enter the Luck of the Irish Facebook Contest AND tell about a time when good luck was on your side
YOU COULD ENTER FOR A CHANCE TO WIN A TRIP FOR TWO TO IRELAND: head over to the International Delight Facebook page and enter the International Delight Luck of the Irish Contest for your chance to win a trip for two to Ireland. Fifteen runners-up will also win International Delight creamer!!
And be sure to check them out on Pinterest too!
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This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of International Delight. The opinions expressed by me do not necessarily reflect the view of the International Delight Brand. Official Contest Rules. Official International Delight Facebook Contest Rules.