I am very honored to be working with Hallmark as a Life is a Special Occasion featured blogger and for their sponsoring this blog post, allowing me to share personal stories, insights and inspirations in enjoying simple, every day moments, with you (yes, YOU!)
Like most of the kids in our neighborhood, my twin brother and I
eagerly counted down the days until Christmas, however, we were perhaps the ONLY family in town without a Christmas tree.
"Not until Christmas Eve."
Steve and I would sit and sulk in the back of our station wagon, on the way home from the laundromat every weekend, as our folks marveled at other people's houses. Still. No tree.
"In Hungary, kids had to wait until after midnight for the Christmas Angel."
Oh, there were plenty of stories. About trees and drunken angels. Like, the year my paternal grandfather decided to celebrate Christmas...on the way home from work...tripped on the entrance of the small apartment my father and his sisters grew up in, and dropped their tree...decorations and all.
"It was the Angel, I tell you, I saw it drinking on the trolley!"
I'm sure my grandmother didn't appreciate my grandfather's holiday-infused humor, just as much as my brother and I couldn't understand my father's excitement at finding a pair of socks, or a foil wrapped orange under their Christmas tree.
Still. We listened and Christmas Eve just could NOT come fast enough.
"Daddy's home and he's got our tree!"
My father worked for a landscaper throughout our elementary school years and sold Christmas trees in the parking lot of a garden center, before being laid-off from work for the rest of the winter.
"It's beautiful, Daddy!"
Every Christmas Eve, rain or shine, holiday bonus or no, Apu would come home with the most beautiful tree he'd tagged in the lot...sometimes as early as Thanksgiving Day.
If you were to ask me what Christmas gift I remember the most, thirty-something years ago, I would have answered the Barbie Country Camper.
Today, it's stories of drunken Christmas Angels, lopsided tabletop trees and old world holiday traditions that help make Christmastime special for me and my family.
This year, we are once again counting down the days until Christmas and, even though my kids are older...well, you know...I am a firm believer that you are NEVER too old to believe in the magic of Christmastime... right?!? RIGHT?!?
As my time as a Life is a Special Occasion blogger comes to a close, I would like to take this moment to thank my very good friends at Hallmark for allowing me to share some of my favorite stories and (hopefully) help inspire other families (like mine) to celebrate each and every day as if it were a special occasion.
Happy Holidays, may your days be merry and filled with lopsided Christmas trees :)
© 2003 - 2012 This Full House
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