The kids and I stopped by the mall for lunch (quid pro quo for agreeing to go hiking with, you know, me) then, made the obligatory visit to Hot Topic.
Don't be scared, they each had great report cards recently and, well, it's all about the give and take, you know?
[sound of crickets]
Aaaaanyway, after picking up a few unmentionables that were on sale (don't ask) the cashier asked if I'd like to donate $1.00 to the Hot Topic Foundation.
At first, I thought maybe they were collecting money for corrective surgery to help senior citizens get their ears back to normal size, after years of gadge abuse, or something:
The Hot Topic Foundation aims to support programs and organizations that specifically focus on encouraging and educating youth in music, creative writing, painting, photography, filmmaking and more.
Who knew, right?
As both of my two oldest daughters are currently majoring in art and photography, I was all in and my two youngest were happy to relieve Hot Topic of these really cool Rock the Arts pins, as a thank you, too.
Got home and did a little more research and found out that Hot Topic Foundation has granted more than $5 million to charitable organizations throughout the country!
The sad truth of it is, due to budget constraints, enrichment programs are the first on the chopping block and many school districts are elimating high school art electives, as well.
This morning, I received an email from our high school letting local families know that a freshman, Michelle Taylor, has been nominated as one of the three finalists for the 9th grade category in the Heinz Ketchup Creativity Contest!
<----I love Michelle's design -- good luck, sweetie!
Among other prizes (12 winners will be awarded $1,000 in cash) each winner will receive $1,000 in art supplies, as well.
How awesome is that, right? Want to help select this year’s winners?
Voting begins today and ends at 11:59:59 EST on April 11th -- just pick your favorite Heinz Ketchup packet design in each grade level by clicking on the VOTE icon below it.
I can't imagine a world without art or music, you'll be helping me give a little back to my community, as well (thank you!) and, well, that's just all sorts of nice, you know?
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Disclosure: No payment, product or any other consideration, besides sharing stuff we like with other families (like ours) was received for this blog post.