Welcome to the December 10th Edition of the Review Bloggers Carnival!
It's no secret. I like getting stuff. I like writing about the stuff
that we like and perhaps make my family's life a little easier.
Especially, if it works!
Or, I haven't managed to break it...YET!
Do you have a review blog - or, perhaps found a product (or, service) that you really, really like and you're aching to share with the rest of the blogosphere - then, you may be interested to learn that the Review Bloggers Carnival has come to This Full House!
Clean off a chair and come on in - mi casa, y su casa - as we canvas the blogosphere and share together in the ultimate consumer experience....window shopping!
Tee presents SWIMS..."The Modern Galosh" and Rock Band!!! posted at Things We Like.
Tiffany Washko presents BPA and Glass Baby Bottles - Siliskin and Wee Go posted at Natural Family Living Blog.
Amanda presents Kamibashi String Doll Gang posted at Pajama Mommy.
Ryan Russell presents Gift or Gaffe - Interesting Gift Card Facts posted at My Money Thinks, saying:
"Before giving a gift card this holiday season, read these gift card facts. Many gift cards carry expiration dates."
SJ Yee presents The FAQ Book on Public Speaking posted at Personal Development for the Book Smart.
Pat B. Doyle presents Publish an Ebook in Amazon’s Kindle Book Store! posted at Pat B. Doyle, saying:
"Publish your book in Kindle format and be listed on Amazon for free."
Michael Rosen presents Bioshock Review posted at The Gaming Critic, saying:
"One of the most hyped games of 2007, Bioshock turned out to be one of many games to live up to most of it's hype."
Michael Rosen presents PORTAL posted at The Gaming Critic, saying:
"One of the most enjoyable and thought provoking experiences you will encounter in 2007."
Jenny presents The Senseo Experience posted at the so called me.
historyiselementary presents I’m In Love With My Lobie™ posted at History Is Elementary, saying:
"I love these things and so do students!"
Maria Fernandez presents Rosetta Stone Spanish - product reviews posted at Learn a foreign language - blog, saying:
"A review of the Rosetta Stone software packages by an experienced Spanish teacher."
Jo presents I'm Dreaming Of A Victorian Christmas? posted at Fickle Food.
Jenny presents The 4 Books Battle - Battle Two posted at the so called me.
Larry Russell presents Publish your blog news articles on traditional media center and newspaper websites posted at THE SKILLED INVESTOR Blog saying:
"Bloggers can get published on media and newspaper websites. Newspapers are picking up web content through blog content consolidation companies. My blog articles get republished regularly through one such effort, BlogBurst.com BlogBurst screens established bloggers, and then they place certified bloggers’ real-time blog content onto multiple traditional media websites."
Jenny presents Family Chef in Training posted at the so called me.
Warren Wong presents How To Start A Successful Blog posted at Personal Development for INTJs, saying:
"Tips on how to start a successful blog and what it takes to succeed."
j blu presents
For Bloggers, By Bloggers: Blogging Zoom posted at
Fresh Geeks.
That concludes the 9th Edition of Review Bloggers Carnival - thank you ALL so much for your terrific submissions, this month - you can submit your blog article to the next edition of
review bloggers (deadline is December 23, 2007) using our
carnival submission form and reviewing our submissions guidelines.
Go ahead, it's easy - past posts and future hosts can be found on our
blog carnival index page - just write about the things you like and share it with the rest of us!
Happy Reviewing!
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