I am NOT a morning person. My husband, Garth (not his real name) however, is (one of those annoying morning people, I mean) so, he hands me a cup of coffee (through the bathroom door) and then runs away.
Life is good.
The kids? They're split 50-50. So, mornings are a leeee-tle tough (at our house) with communication kept at a minimum...a grunt, here...a moan, there...and absolutely no one talks to the 16 year-old, before lunchtime.
Which makes breakfast time (at our house) uh, very interesting.
That's why I'm excited to be able to partner with my friends at in trying out the new Eggo Real Fruit Pizzas and share tried-and-true lists,
tips and ideas for making mornings more convenient.
Here's mine:
DON'T SWEAT IT WHEN YOUR FAMILY DOESN'T EAT BREAKFAST...AT THE SAME TIME: Especially, when kids start school. My kids attend 4 different schools (yes, in the same school district, don't ask!) which means they wake up, eat and leave for school, 4 different times, in the morning. So, breakfast can be anywhere from 5:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Dinnertime, however, is served ONLY once and it's the time when we ALL can catch up.
HAVE PLENTY OF CHOICES ON HAND: I'm not saying buy the whole farm. In a perfect world, my kids would like AND eat ALL the same stuff. But, they don't and neither do I. So, we try to keep a few choice staples on hand, like cereal (for the boy) English muffins and/or cinnamon toast (for the 14 yo) frozen fruit, juice and yogurt for smoothies (my 16 yo's favorite) and waffles (for my youngest) as a variety of favorites that they can ALL choose from.
BE FLEXIBLE (i.e. pick your battles): There are days when the youngest decides she HATES waffles, or the boy insists that NOTHING tastes good and my oldest girls are just not hungry (i.e. feeling bloated and/or pms-ing) and it's on these mornings when I play the, "just have a piece of fruit, then" card and pack an extra snack in their lunch bag(s).
Okay, not so much tips as they are guidelines that keep my family's morning routine somewhat...practical.
Then, the Eggo Real Fruit Pizzas came (yesterday) just in time for breakfast and, well, you'd think I just opened up a box of whoopass.
"What IS it?"
Eggo Real Fruit Pizzas come in single serving sizes, so everyone got to taste one piece of each...thank you Eggo!
Fruit? YUM! Pizza? YUMMY! Fruit AND pizza, together? This was going to take some convincing, I could tell, right away.
My youngest (she's 9) tried the Strawberry Granola one, first (we microwaved them for 90 seconds, btw) and yep, those are REAL strawberries and granola, on top of a schmear of strawberry yogurt, on top of a cinnamon and maple flavored crust.
Aaaaand, we have a win-nah! I took a bite, as well and, yep, the flavors and textures just seem to work real well and it was MY favorite, too.
My oldest girls favored the Mixed Berry Granola variety and were very surprised that the real fruit tasted like, you know, REAL fruit and a little tart, too.

FINAL VERDICT: 2 empty boxes of Eggo Real Fruit Pizzas later, life was good. The boy? Unfortunately, he couldn't get passed the fact that pizza should only be served with tomato sauce (or, schmeared with ketchup) but it's okay, you can't please everybody (see: BE FLEXIBLE, above) and his sisters got to eat his, too = NO LEFTOVERS!!!
Want some?
We have a set of Eggo Real Fruit Pizzas to share with five (5) of our readers, too!
But, wait...there's more!!!
TheMotherhood will
randomly select one of YOUR entries to receive a cool prize from
Kellogg, samples of Eggo Real Fruit Pizzas and set of Kellogg mugs.
Winners will be selected at random using
Oh, more thing!!!
There are lots of other chances to win as well, check out all the Eggo AM Moms! Winner(s) will be randomly selected and notified on Thursday, August 5th.
In addition, the TheMotherhood
will create, from the collected user-generated tips the Eggo Best Tips
for Enjoyable, Organized Morning, by choosing the best user-generated
Because, we roll like that!
GET IT HERE: To enter, leave a comment, like, the typical morning routine at your house (good, bad, or indifferent, I'd love to hear it!) along with a valid email
address on this post by 10:00 a.m. on Friday, July 30th and you're
automatically entered to win. Five (5) winners will be picked (via and announced via email and posted on My Prizey Giveaways Page!
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Also, be sure to check out TheMotherhood Eggo Mornings Circle where we talk about making our morning routines easier.
© 2010 This Full House Gone Shopping
Disclosure: I am being compensated for my participation, courtesy of The Motherhood Creative. I received product samples from Eggo (we ate them, all gone!) the opinions and content posted here are
my own.Official Contest Rules below: