COMMENTS ARE CLOSED: I am SO EXCITED to be able to share this awesome prize package with you Geoff K. (comment #144) please check your email for further instructions, thanks!!!
I was very excited to announce the launch of the Best Summer Ever by Nestle Family program, where I, along with some fellow bloggers, were given the opportunity to contribute to a huge list of summer challenges for your family.
It was fun sharing ideas and some of our favorite stuff in celebrating summer with our online friends.
My kids are mentally (and physically) getting ready to get back-to-school after Labor Day (parenting equivalent of bittersweet, no?)
My oldest is graduating high school, this year (SOB!) so, my husband and I were super thankful for our awesome trip to Cape Cod, MA considering it may be the last summer vacation we'll be able to spend together, as a family.
[insert major heart squeeze, here]
My partnership with this awesome program is also coming to a close (thank you, Nestle) so, let's celebrate EVERYTHING summer and spending quality time with family and friends, with an awesome giveaway, including a $100 Visa Gift Card, right here, right now, what do you say, you with me?
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