It's been a crazy, busy year -- even Santa doubts my being able to finish EVERYTHING on MY to do list in time for eggnog o'clock -- then, my youngest daughter (she's 9) asked if she could practice her writing skills and wrote a wonderful post about Christmas.
It made me realize just how GROWN UP she's getting and, sadly, Kris Kringle won't be needing my services, for much longer, after all.
Good thing Hope and I got the chance to play Santa, this week!
I am very proud to be one of bloggers chosen to participate in Cepia LLC's Random Acts of Zhu holiday giving program.
Each of us were given 104 Zhu Zhu Pets to donate to the charity of our choice, with no compensation OR strings attached.

Hope and I were THRILLED with the prospect of being able to help families in need and perhaps make another child's holiday a little brighter, too!
Our first stop was the Herb Young Annual Toy Drive held at Hope's elementary school where we donated 7 boxes (56 Zhu Zhu pets) to the children at Spring House in Eatontown, NJ:
"We provide services to break the barriers of homelessness and reinforce self-dignity, independence and self-awareness for women with children."
The toys will be distributed to the families staying at Spring House, tomorrow, Christmas Eve!
Next stop, Jersey Shore University Medical Center in Neptune, NJ -- they took GREAT care of my middle girl two Christmases ago (okay, me, too!) -- we made an appointment to deliver the remaining 6 boxes of Zhu Zhu pets, after school on Tuesday.

We were greeted by Jara Ferrante, a Child Life Specialist and her Assistant, Elizabeth (nice name, btw, heh!) two SUPER friendly ladies with an AWESOME sense of humor (see picture above) who make it their business to help even their littlest visitors at K. Hovnanian Children's Hospital feel warm and welcome.

Hope was THRILLED to learn that the Zhu Zhu pets will be put into the "magic closet," so, whenever there's a birthday, or a child is having a particularly difficult time adjusting to their journey, they will be gift wrapped and, hopefully, help the children left in their care feel right at home.
I know, Hope did!
Thank you SO MUCH, Jara, for allowing us to bring some of that warm and fuzzy feeling home with us, along with Hope's new bff, Hopscotch (she's Dr. Bernard's bouncy buddy) too!!!
Special thanks to Cepia LLC for allowing my family to help spread a little holiday cheer, this year!
Because, nice matters and being able to give a little back to our community, via This Full House of sticky floors and crunchy socks, feels REAL GOSH-DARNED GOOD, too!
Jersey Shore University Medical Center's Website
K. Hovnanian Children's Hospital Social Media Center
K. Hovnanian Children's Hospital on Facebook
K. Hovnanian Children's Hospital on Twitter
Happy Holidays, everyone!!!
(Cross-posted to my parenting blog)
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Disclosure: No payment, or product was received for this post or for my participation in this program.