[Yes, I am STILL Soliciting Comments for Charity: Okay, so I'm BLOGGING OUT HUNGER and totally willing to beg for someone
else's food, this week - I know I'm no Dooce, but won't you consider
helping reach my goal of 300 comments, for charity, even for a Dork,
like me?]
It's cold and flu season here in Jersey -- as in most of the United States -- don't even get me started on the creeping crud that is strep throat and it invades our home nearly every gosh-darned winter!
So, when my husband Garth (not his real name) and I saw a television commercial (during the wildcard football games, tonight) announcing that Stop & Shop is offering free antibiotics, we were...like...no way!
Until, I hopped on my trusty laptop and checked out Stop & Shop's website:
As part of our health and wellness initiative we're offering you and your family this special service.
Starting January 2, 2009, and continuing through March 21, 2009, our pharmacy is offering you up to a 14-day
supply of the most commonly prescribed generic antibiotics for free. Simply bring in your valid prescription from
your doctor.
Yay and...um...but, why?
[suspicious minds wanna know]
Well, according to Stop & Shop:
We're trying to make a difference every day... and
we're just getting started!
For a list of participating antibiotics, click here.
For a list of frequently asked questions click here.
For a chance to tell Stop & Shop how wonderfully super-fantastic they are, feel free to clean off a chair and leave a comment here!
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