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June 2006

Summer Vacation - Mission Organization and Living In Absolute Discombobulation - Day 7

Can you believe it's only been a week - AND WE ARE ALL OUT OF CEREAL! And since they've been home and managed to eat all of the eggs, bacon, English muffins, the last of the six loaves of Wonder Bread and cleaned out the entire fruit and vegetable bin - who knew four kids could eat so much? - guess I'll have to go grocery shopping, soon. It may (or may not) surprise you to learn that I am NOT the most organized mom in the world! Oh, I used to be - just, don't ask my husband, 'kay... Read more →

© This Full House 2003-2022. All rights reserved.

Summer Vacation - Rainy Days And How It Almost Feels Like Monday - Day 4

Ever since the kids were little - starting when my two oldest were in preschool and way before Little Man and Mini-Me were born - we would celebrate the end of the week with, "Friday Pizza and Movie Night!" And - although I work from home, we order our movies from the mail and the pizza orders have changed a bit -  we still look forward to staying in and getting all cozy. For the kids - it meant a weekend reprieve from the demands of the classroom. For me - having to get four kids to four different... Read more →

© This Full House 2003-2022. All rights reserved.

Talk Dirty To Me, Summer Vacation Day 1: Two posts for the price of one!

My husband and I have been together for a long time (sixteen years in August) and have become very comfortable with each other, to the point where we find ourselves finishing each others sentences. Okay - go ahead and puke, now - I'll wait. Don't get me wrong - it's not all sunshine and rainbows - we have our moments. But, luckily, those are far and few in between...his job...the job...the kids...yardwork...the kids...housework...the kids...well, you get what I'm saying. There's very little chance for us to give each other a dirty look, let alone get down and dirty. So,... Read more →

© This Full House 2003-2022. All rights reserved.

After enlightenment, the laundry…and who knows what tales our dirty clothes will tell!?!

To most people, "airing out the dirty laundry" would mean that someone is talking about their private matters (or secrets), in public and is typically reserved information....for a reason. Not in this house and - in light of the fact that it is Monday, which happens to be the busiest of laundry days - quite frankly, that's why I started blogging in the first place. Because there simply isn't a day where you won't find at least one hamper (or clothes basket) overflowing with...blogging fodder! Today, I'm sorting out a week filled with blood, sweat, tears and a whole lot... Read more →

© This Full House 2003-2022. All rights reserved.

If I were any more late, I’d be pregnant!

No - I've been very good at keeping appointments and haven't missed my period (knocking on wood) lately - I'm not talking about that sort of late. I mean, having to adjust the clocks ten minutes ahead and becoming the type of mom who has grown accustomed to planning the last possible second. I call it, "Hail Mary Parenting," incorporating a game plan that includes very little planning, as possible. Oh, I never used to be like this - heck, I even had our greeting card and grocery list computerized (B.I. - before internet) - I kept a daily... Read more →

© This Full House 2003-2022. All rights reserved.

No fair? There’s two men living in a house with 4 women - we’re lucky we have a gas station around the corner!

Who knew? My husband and I didn't realize how watching The Cosby Show was like actually being afforded the opportunity to peek into our very own future...but, we went all ahead full (or, is it full speed ahead?) and had children, anyway. Because Cliff and Clair Huxtable (i.e. mom and dad) made it look so easy? Nah. Actually, I remember thinking to myself - especially during the episodes focused on dealing with Theo (their son) and his best friend, Cockroack - "Holy crap, but boys are such knuckleheads!" And it's true. As I soon learned for myself - boys are... Read more →

© This Full House 2003-2022. All rights reserved.

Wallowing away the wet day in piles of dirty laundry…now with pictures, too!

Laundry - I's a dirty word round most parts - but, it's a gray, wet and very dreary day here in Jersey...and I'm feeling a So, rather than wallow in the piles...that surround this house of soggy, wet...I'm going on a blog search. First stop, my bloggy friend CMHL - who has fulfilled her assignment over at The Blue Sloth, very nicely - and to whom I send a virtual hug (because I, as you say, "have been f*cked up by a friend," too!) and will even consider sharing with you, this lovely cup of hot vanilla... Read more →

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