Summer Vacation - Talking street, wearing skulls and skating through life in “almost Etnies” - Day 41
Nearing the conclusion to the dog days of summer -- hottest most humid time of the year beginning in July and ending on August 11 - here on the east coast, it'll be a relief to finally get outside and not feel as if my skull.
Don't EVEN get me started on boob sweat!
Yesterday, I needed to get out of the house and took the kids to do a little shopping (because it was still Africa-hot!) for a business trip my husband and I are taking next weekend.
Okay, so - I won't be attending any of his meetings...or anything...but, I will be introduced to about a gazillion of his clients...AND THEIR WIVES - I wanted to look a little more put-together and a know...suburban-mommy in the big city.
Although it would make a great title for a Lifetime movie, yes?
Don't get me wrong - my closet isn't all Old Navy and Target, or anything - I have a wide variety tastes in clothes (depending on my mood) and don't subscribe to any one particular style.
But, these people are involved in the financial industry and I'm a little know...rock-n-roll.
I'm not saying they don't know how to party -- though my husband and his pals prefer business casual, they're pretty much freaks after normal banking hours -- but, somehow I got this idea that flip-flops, jeans and a skull-studded black t-shirt...weren't going to cut it.Â
And there's this HUGE reception dinner.
The last catered reception I attended was nearly sixteen years ago and...I have to say...I looked absolutely gorgeous and managed to out-do everyone there!
Being the bride, and all.
And it was probably the last time I spent THAT much money...on just one piece of clothing - then the kids came and if the store didn't have the words "depot" and "outlet" or "R-us" after it's name...I probably haven't shopped a very long time.
No matter.
It's supposed to be different when you have kids (isn't it?) and the things that I used to think were important (like taking showers and getting dressed...everyday) just aren't, anymore. They've been replaced with candy/cookie sales, soccer cleats and getting pumped-up over a picture of you...with your hair a mess and hips gone crayon!
That's why I was more than happy when my husband suggested I come along ('cause they said I could and are paying, afterall) and since this would be a trip...WITHOUT CHILDREN...that we should extend the weekend!
We're going to take a quick run over to Cape Cod (using our Marriot points)Â and celebrate our 16th wedding anniversary...a little early.
Yes, we're leaving the kids home - bad mommy, bad daddy - because we don't...all that often...and we've grown accustomed to skating through life...but, can appreciate the fact that our kids don't really seem to miss know...all that much.
"Yo, these pants is trippin'!"
"True that!"
"Wear dis and you be bustin' B-town!"
Even though my girls are straight-A students, I really don't push them about the academics too much...well...the thought of shooting for scholarships, YES!  But, not as much as allowing them to express themselves and -- although, "dis" and "you be" did make me want to throw up a little -- they be comfortable with who they are and that it's okay to be different.
My ten-year-old is currently finding herself "goth."
"'s STREET...Momma!"
Whatever. it what you want - it was "punk" in my day -Â no matter, it's a group of people...with something in common...hanging together...who know...comfortable in their own skin.
Sort of like blogging.
We shouldn't be afraid to express ourselves - especially when it comes to putting yourself out there for the whole world to see - and I shouldn't be worried that Thing Two talks...uh...what is it again?
"It's called Street...don't ask...she's fine...and we're good."
My poor husband - he did manage to pick his mouth up off the floor and compliment Thing Two on her new "skull cap" - coming home at the end of the day he doesn't know what to expect, anymore...than different.
I asked Thing Two to know...street...and it wasn't easy - she told Thing One to look at her so she could pretend and get know...angry - but, here she is "mean-muggin-it" for her Mama.Â
And giggling...'cause...street's not know!
And she loves her new sneakers and calls them her "almost Etnies" because, "They look a whole lot like the real thing...but, way cheaper!"
I was able to find an awesome white linen skirt at Old Navy...SHUDDUP!...on sale for $14...BOO-YAA!...and a black t-shirt and sweater at Target...SHUDDUP, YOU!...and these very sexy silver strappy-thongs on clearance for $4.88...FO-SHIZZLE!
(the sound of crickets chirping)
We're not leaving until Thursday...and you can wish me luck, if you'd like...and relax...don't be afraid of us...we're good...just puttin' the "urban" in suburban!
Anyone up for some baby-sitting?