Hump Day Diddy Dumbs: I’m about ready to kick some butt and chew bubblegum, and my kid’s aren’t even home, yet!
Be careful when killing two birds with one stone, you might miss the birds!

Warning - mommy playdates can make you look crazy - Dude, the eyes, they’re crazy!

Two of my mommy friends asked me to stop by and help them out with a craft project and after spending a rather loooong evening putting together nine cute little tropical girlie-type costumes - yes, liquor was involved - I woke up with a bad case of crazy eyes.

Although this used to happen to me while I worked full-time and tended bar at night - when I was at least two sizes smaller, survived on absolutely no sleep and loooong before I had kids - I don't think it was the mommy playdate, alone, or the lovely chardonnay from Australia, that did me in.

The headache, yes.

So, I quietly walked into the house - even though the stupid dog knows it's me and he still barks - and must have startled my husband, because he looked as if he'd seen, well, something really icky.


[still with the icky-face]
"I'm not THAT late."

I put my keys down, headed towards the couch and...believe it or not...the dog just stared and I think I even heard him growl, a little.
"No, it's not's the eyes."

Now, they both had me scared.
"Oh crap, what?"

Truth be told, I was feeling a little yucky and my eyes were sort of beginning to, you know, itch.
"I hope it's not pink eye, or something."

[looks in mirror]
"What...okay, they're way red...but, I don't see..."

There was a quick flash and I saw these little white floaty things making pretty little circles all around my face and soon my reflection was covered in bright white lights.

I reached inside the medicine cabinet, swallowed two of my migraine pills (actually, they just kind of dissolved, you know, in a icky sort of way) and knew exactly what caused my bad case of crazy eyes.



These crazy eyes.




One hundred of them, two be exact.




The crazy things we do for our kids, huh - not as crazy as waking up, the day after a mommy playdate, with strange marks on my body!?!




Isn't that bizarre, aren't you, going "Ooo!"?

Apparently, mixing crafts and cocktails is not such a great idea, either - just be glad you don't have to sleep with me - Happy Friday and 100th day of school, everyone!


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