For Heather: Today, I'll take my Monday served wet and fuzzy!
The best part about giving birth is when my husband does NOT think it is that easy, either, along with other things anyone can do with a glue gun!

Some more linky love from a thinking blogger...

Latte Man tagged me (AGAIN!) and this time he says it's because I make him think:

"Thank goodness I am NOT married to THAT lunatic!"

Okay, he didn't say it quite like that (not out loud, anyways) and - although, I am honored to have been named a "thinking blogger" - I also believe that this is a very difficult meme to participate in and not only because I am NOT very good at following rules, either:

1.  If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.

2.  Link to "this post" so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.

3.  Optional:  proudly display the "Thinking Blogger Award" with a link to the post that you wrote.

So, I'm going to bend them (a little) and attempt to post a link to the blogs on my Full House Blogroll, along with 5 words that immediately come to mind, for each:

Princess Maisy - Fine example of Southern hospitality.
Adventures in Parenting - We're still hoping to visit.
Amber Bamber Boo -  I miss reading her, alot.
Blonde Mom -  She always makes me think.
Blue Grass Mama - Probably as nice, for real.
Breadcrumbs in Butter - Probably even funnier, in person.
Bundles of Babbles - So, what's new with you?
Busted Stuff - Cool, she's a disc jockey!
Busy Mom - No, I'm the worst meme-er.

Chaos Personified - I'm sorry I skim, too!
City Mama -  Hope to meet at BlogHer.
Coffee Soup - I lost my password, again.
Controlled Chaos - Happy Birthday to you, Sweetie!
Cootiehog - I hate comment trolls, too!
Cranky Mommy - Wasting time can be therapeutic.
Crazy Life, Makes Me Tired - Oh, we must be related!
Crouching Mommy Hidden Laundry - Good place to avoid laundry.

DadCentric - Some really heavy hitters, here!
Daddy Types - Really nice guy, for real.
Daintee - I should be so photogenic.
Domestic Psychology - Puts the psy in chology.

Fast Eddie's Bullet - Think Mel Gibson in Braveheart.
Fighting Inertia - Going Anon with blog, dammit.
Mrs. Flinger - Blogging while pregnant and beautiful.
Friday Playdate - Pretty, smart, like her anyway.
Full Plate - Got to meet this woman!

Genuine - If anyone needed a vacation...
Girls Gone Child - Is there anyone cooler, really?
Golly Blog Howdy - Yes, I'm thinking about you.
Graceful - I'm seriously coveting your closet.

Hatfields - The real definition of motherhood.
Hula Doula - Heart of gold, this one.

Internet Insomniac - Give it to the man.
Irrelephant - A thinking blogger's thinking blogger.
It's A Wilson Thing - Possibly the cutest kids, ever.
IzzyMom - Blogging never looked so good.

Jason for the Love of God - New find, a real gem.
Just Add Water - Knows true meaning of family.
Just Heather - She's so pretty and pink.
Just Linda - More kids than me, phew!

Karin Kydland - Working and way too busy.
Katespot - I can't possibly giggle anymore.
Kini's Place - Her blog calms me, too.

Latte Man - This man should be slapped!
MamaKbear - Vote for her cutest kid!
Mandajuice - Dog is on her list, too.
MetroDad - Gosh, but this guy's cool.
Michele Agnew - The queen of linky love!
Mimilou - One very pretty mommy blog.
Mixed Messages - Can't bring myself to delete.
Mom101 - There isn't a thinkier mom.
Mom and pop Culture - Okay, perhaps just one more.
Mom in the Mirror - Oh, they are ALL beautiful.
Mom of Many Male Youngsters - Sure can make me think.
Mommy Matters - Perhaps I'm not all alone.
Mommy Needs Coffee - I think we're ALL pretty.
Mommy's Busy, Take a Number - And very much the same.
Moody Mama - Doing the best we can.
Mothergoosemouse - Thinking, blogging and just being.
Mubar - Motherhood isn't easy, you know.
Music and Cats -Living life to its fullest.
Musings From Behind A Maytag - While writing about it, too.
Musings from the Express Lane - Some really amazing writing, really.

Oh, The Joys - Stuff that makes me think.
Oma's Place - Glad to meet another Flinger.
Open Up - Fresh and makes me smile.
Outside In - Taking a good look around.
Overactive Imagination - Glad to just be here.

Pamalamadingdong - If only I could run.
Papernapkin - I'll happily delurk with you.
Parway Rest Stop - It's not easy living here.
Petroville - So, I hang here instead.
Phat Mommy - Makes Homeschooling look easy, almost.
Posted Note - Blogging can be really fun.
Puppies and Life - Rudy sends hugs and kisses.

Queen of Spain - She should be queen...everything.

Ramblings of a SAHM - More like higher thinking, really.
RC - Warm and fuzzy, you are.
Refridgerator Door - A really good author, too.
Robservations - Living in a different world.
Rude Cactus - A really cool dad, too.

Scary Depths of my Brain - I've seen scarier, trust me.
Scheiss Weekly - Not many better than this.
Scribbit - I need her management skills.
Secret Agent Josephine - I want her coding secrets.
Silicon Valley Moms Blog - West coasties I like, alot.
Silly Old Bear - Big-armed squeezy hugs, always.
Simply Shylah - A blog with magic fingers.
Smoochmonkey - Again, with the big arms!
Socal Mom - Left coast moms totally rock.
Southern Gal Goes North - Southern gals rock too, btw.
Surviving Motherhood - She's doing just fine, really.
Sweatpants Mom - Not just a fashion statement.

Table for Five - I could sit with her.
The Art of Getting By - Thinking is her specialty, too.
The Bean Blog - Five kids and still sane!
The Blue Sloth - Blog is poetry in motion.
The Mommy Blog - The first and original Underbelly!
This Mom Blogs - She will forever be linked.
This Woman's Work - One of my first links.
Three Kid Circus - And she's going crazy, too.
Tracks, Thoughts, Tapes and Things - Hope he'll post again, soon.

Where The Wild Things Are - Thinking about her, as well.
Wondermom - The blogger fits the name.
Woulda Coulda Shoulda - She's a work of heart.

Yellow Rose - Some thing new, every day.

Zoot - Fixer of blown up blogs.

Phew, some meme's can really make a person's eyes bleed, huh!?!

[rubs eyes and reaches for the Midol]

If you see your name or you've been tagged already - do NOT panic -  just passing along some linky love.

[shoots evil glare at Latte Man]

Be content in knowing that I think that all of you guys are know...awesome...and think some of you should be at least, do NOT have to live with me!

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