Some more linky love from a thinking blogger...
Latte Man tagged me (AGAIN!) and this time he says it's because I make him think:
"Thank goodness I am NOT married to THAT lunatic!"
Okay, he didn't say it quite like that (not out loud, anyways) and - although, I am honored to have been named a "thinking blogger" - I also believe that this is a very difficult meme to participate in and not only because I am NOT very good at following rules, either:
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.
2. Link to "this post" so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
3. Optional: proudly display the "Thinking Blogger Award" with a link to the post that you wrote.
So, I'm going to bend them (a little) and attempt to post a link to the blogs on my Full House Blogroll, along with 5 words that immediately come to mind, for each:
Princess Maisy - Fine example of Southern hospitality.
Adventures in Parenting - We're still hoping to visit.
Amber Bamber Boo - I miss reading her, alot.
Blonde Mom - She always makes me think.
Blue Grass Mama - Probably as nice, for real.
Breadcrumbs in Butter - Probably even funnier, in person.
Bundles of Babbles - So, what's new with you?
Busted Stuff - Cool, she's a disc jockey!
Busy Mom - No, I'm the worst meme-er.Chaos Personified - I'm sorry I skim, too!
City Mama - Hope to meet at BlogHer.
Coffee Soup - I lost my password, again.
Controlled Chaos - Happy Birthday to you, Sweetie!
Cootiehog - I hate comment trolls, too!
Cranky Mommy - Wasting time can be therapeutic.
Crazy Life, Makes Me Tired - Oh, we must be related!
Crouching Mommy Hidden Laundry - Good place to avoid laundry.DadCentric - Some really heavy hitters, here!
Daddy Types - Really nice guy, for real.
Daintee - I should be so photogenic.
Domestic Psychology - Puts the psy in chology.Fast Eddie's Bullet - Think Mel Gibson in Braveheart.
Fighting Inertia - Going Anon with blog, dammit.
Mrs. Flinger - Blogging while pregnant and beautiful.
Friday Playdate - Pretty, smart, like her anyway.
Full Plate - Got to meet this woman!Genuine - If anyone needed a vacation...
Girls Gone Child - Is there anyone cooler, really?
Golly Blog Howdy - Yes, I'm thinking about you.
Graceful - I'm seriously coveting your closet.Hatfields - The real definition of motherhood.
Hula Doula - Heart of gold, this one.Internet Insomniac - Give it to the man.
Irrelephant - A thinking blogger's thinking blogger.
It's A Wilson Thing - Possibly the cutest kids, ever.
IzzyMom - Blogging never looked so good.Jason for the Love of God - New find, a real gem.
Just Add Water - Knows true meaning of family.
Just Heather - She's so pretty and pink.
Just Linda - More kids than me, phew!Karin Kydland - Working and way too busy.
Katespot - I can't possibly giggle anymore.
Kini's Place - Her blog calms me, too.Latte Man - This man should be slapped!
MamaKbear - Vote for her cutest kid!
Mandajuice - Dog is on her list, too.
MetroDad - Gosh, but this guy's cool.
Michele Agnew - The queen of linky love!
Mimilou - One very pretty mommy blog.
Mixed Messages - Can't bring myself to delete.
Mom101 - There isn't a thinkier mom.
Mom and pop Culture - Okay, perhaps just one more.
Mom in the Mirror - Oh, they are ALL beautiful.
Mom of Many Male Youngsters - Sure can make me think.
Mommy Matters - Perhaps I'm not all alone.
Mommy Needs Coffee - I think we're ALL pretty.
Mommy's Busy, Take a Number - And very much the same.
Moody Mama - Doing the best we can.
Mothergoosemouse - Thinking, blogging and just being.
Mubar - Motherhood isn't easy, you know.
Music and Cats -Living life to its fullest.
Musings From Behind A Maytag - While writing about it, too.
Musings from the Express Lane - Some really amazing writing, really.Oh, The Joys - Stuff that makes me think.
Oma's Place - Glad to meet another Flinger.
Open Up - Fresh and makes me smile.
Outside In - Taking a good look around.
Overactive Imagination - Glad to just be here.Pamalamadingdong - If only I could run.
Papernapkin - I'll happily delurk with you.
Parway Rest Stop - It's not easy living here.
Petroville - So, I hang here instead.
Phat Mommy - Makes Homeschooling look easy, almost.
Posted Note - Blogging can be really fun.
Puppies and Life - Rudy sends hugs and kisses.Queen of Spain - She should be queen...everything.
Ramblings of a SAHM - More like higher thinking, really.
RC - Warm and fuzzy, you are.
Refridgerator Door - A really good author, too.
Robservations - Living in a different world.
Rude Cactus - A really cool dad, too.Scary Depths of my Brain - I've seen scarier, trust me.
Scheiss Weekly - Not many better than this.
Scribbit - I need her management skills.
Secret Agent Josephine - I want her coding secrets.
Silicon Valley Moms Blog - West coasties I like, alot.
Silly Old Bear - Big-armed squeezy hugs, always.
Simply Shylah - A blog with magic fingers.
Smoochmonkey - Again, with the big arms!
Socal Mom - Left coast moms totally rock.
Southern Gal Goes North - Southern gals rock too, btw.
Surviving Motherhood - She's doing just fine, really.
Sweatpants Mom - Not just a fashion statement.Table for Five - I could sit with her.
The Art of Getting By - Thinking is her specialty, too.
The Bean Blog - Five kids and still sane!
The Blue Sloth - Blog is poetry in motion.
The Mommy Blog - The first and original Underbelly!
This Mom Blogs - She will forever be linked.
This Woman's Work - One of my first links.
Three Kid Circus - And she's going crazy, too.
Tracks, Thoughts, Tapes and Things - Hope he'll post again, soon.Where The Wild Things Are - Thinking about her, as well.
Wondermom - The blogger fits the name.
Woulda Coulda Shoulda - She's a work of heart.Yellow Rose - Some thing new, every day.
Zoot - Fixer of blown up blogs.
Phew, some meme's can really make a person's eyes bleed, huh!?!
[rubs eyes and reaches for the Midol]
If you see your name or you've been tagged already - do NOT panic - just passing along some linky love.
[shoots evil glare at Latte Man]
Be content in knowing that I think that all of you guys are know...awesome...and think some of you should be at least, do NOT have to live with me!