BlogHer, hug her and make her feel creepy...
Hump Day Diddy Dumbs: His dad NEVER laughs at pregnant women, either!

Summer Vacation: I've got something for you, too der-Nancydroo! - Day 70

This weekend, Garth (not his real name) and I celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary - thank you for your kind wishes and my husband really did enjoy his date with you guys - and we were able to get our first taste at being empty-nesters, having farmed the kids out and keeping this full house of overdue library books and month-old!

"So, what do you want to do?"


"Um...I dunno...what do you wanna do?"

Did I mention, it's been 17 years...sheesh...and I'm sorry...but, being together as long, as we have...and having as many kids, as we do...our expectations of a successful date night are relatively, low.

"Let's go out, to eat!"

You see, arranging a seating for 6 isn't feasible for our family - unless, it happens to be kids-eat-free-on-Friday at IHOP, or someone else is buying - but, my parents gave us money...and his parents gave us, we decided to cut our kids loose on their grandparents...and RUN...someplace we would NOT normally go...without having to scan the window for a kids' menu, or a credit card, first!

"Quick, let's go over to the Pub and maybe even order something exotic!"

Because, nobody makes a the Irish!

"I'll have the fish and chips, and an iced tea, please."

[blank stare]

"Like in regular, or like on Loooowng-uhyyyy-land?"

I've lived in New Jersey all my life - I could probably spit to Manhattan, from here - but, the "oy" in some people's voices still makes me want to, you know, spit finger nails.

"Oh, go ahead,'s our a little...besides, the kids won't be watching!"

And that's when Edith Bunker showed up. [eyes go wide]

"Ohhhhh, aw'nt chew gawys just the cutest loooowng has it been, hoynee?"


"Oh, you have no idea!"

I knew, that he knew, that's NOT what she meant.

"Actually, it's been 17years!"

[eyes go REALLY wide]

"Ohhhhh, sweetie...DAT ain't loooowng...I haven't slept with m-why husband in ov-vuh 25 yeahs!"


"No, that's NOT what he meant!"

Of course, he didn't.

"You're right, der-Edit, better make MINE a double!"

No, wait!

"Aw-rye-ttttee, then!"


"I'll have a Mojito, please."


"A Moo-hee-toe, you know, the Cuban drink made with some crushed spearmint and rum!"

[eyes go wide]

"Ohhhhh, sweetie...I don't tink so."


"But, I can get'cha one-a-dem nice Mexican-type drinks called a Moo-gee-tuhs!"

PERFECT! My husband and I had a great time, ate terribly fattening food all weekend and - after only two rounds of drinks and an extra order of sweet potato fries - Edith-der and I became best friends, forever!

Morale of the story:  A bird that flies in a fog, and accustomed to ordering on the fly, is NOT necessarily a dingbat!

Screw you, too...der-Archie!

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