Forgive her, Lord for she is from the North and knows not what to do with her hands!
Wordless Wednesday - Got Milk of Magnesia?

Forgive her, Lord for she is from the North and prays only for some sleep.


I have a confession to make - hang on to your hoodies, it's not like that - but, I hesitate to mention my love for hotel rooms, because...well...does anyone else get a kick out of being able to sleep in a gorgeously made up bed (read: crispy white linens and matching pillows) and then come back at the end of the day to find your room cleaned, picked up and your bed ready for some major snuggling!?!?

Me, too and - if it weren't for a minor snafu - judging by the inaugural go-ahead-and-hop-your-butt-up-on-there test and the overall fluff-factor, I suspect spending an entire night sleeping in it would have been real nice, too! Although, my husband seems to feel that my waking him in the middle of the night, screaming in pain, and then having to rush me to the local hospital (read:  where the hell are we anyway...and...I don't care...WHAT is the easiest to get to!?!?) as more that just, you know, a snafu.

"The virus is attacking her internal organs and working it's way through her intestines, so the pain should get better, before it gets any worse."


"Rest assured, her gallbladder is fine, both kidneys are functioning normally and we're about 99% sure it has NOT infected her appendix, but we'd like her stay the night."

How nice, they must really like me.

"Where ya'll planning on doin'?"

Well, we were on our way home and - though, I haven't been feeling well and not eating much the whole trip - I just had to stop in Old Town and have dinner, because...well, stupid is as stupid does.

"Look, I do love it here and all...everyone is really nice...but, please don't take this the wrong way...I just want to get home to my babies and sleep in my own bed, tonight!"

A couple of bags of saline, a muscle relaxer, a shower, a few more prescriptions for good measure and nearly 24 hours, later we are home and we are BOTH doing well - my husband doesn't like it much that I'm sick and still blogging, either - but, don't worry, I hear my bed calling and Garth (not his real name) is taking real good care of me and the kids.

He's good, like that!

In the meantime - please, feel free to clean off a chair, sit down and talk amongst yourselves - if anyone needs me, I'll be upstairs, thanking my lucky stars, clutching my mid-section and praying for some sleep!

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