Blog Day for The Mothers Act - Just DO it!
Have you heard about Blog Day for the Mothers Act?
It's a part of the BlogHers Act and a global issue that BlogHers would like to see addressed during the 2008 American Presidential election.
Today, I am proud to say that I support The Mothers Act and would like to tell you a little about what BlogHers (like me) are doing to help make a difference and do something good, for a change. I mean, really. In this day and age. I can't think of a reason why another mother should suffer from postpartum depression.
It's real and it sucks to have to admit that I did not enjoy those first 6 months of being a mother - not like a lot of other mothers I knew, who swore that they did - each and every time. Beyond all the apprehension and second-guessing, that goes with the territory. I didn't know what it was, really. Just, that I didn't feel. Anything. Except, maybe shame. And kept it to myself. I was a mother, after all.
I just did it.
Luckily, I had Garth (not his real name) to help me through the really rough patches and a very supportive family. But, since I started blogging, it was plain to see that this is not always the case. I was NOT the only one to suffer in silence.
Now my daughters will know better, too.
Power is knowledge and it's high time we of the Internets banned together and blow-out the blogosphere with the biggest warm fuzzy, EVUH!
More about The Mothers Act:
The Moms Opportunity to Access Help, Education, Research and Support for Postpartum Depression Act, or MOTHERS Act (S. 1375), will ensure that new mothers and their families are educated about postpartum depression, screened for symptoms and provided with essential services. In addition, it will increase research into the causes, diagnoses and treatments for postpartum depression. The bill is sponsored by Senators Menendez and Durbin.
More about postpartum depression from Katherine Stone:
"Postpartum depression is a serious and disabling condition that affects up to 20 percent of new mothers -- as much as 800,000 American women each year. Yet only 15 percent of these women will receive any assessment or treatment. Let me repeat. With all we know and as smart as we are, only 15% of 800,000 women will get diagnosed and treated. That is so wrong on so many levels. Women are not being diagnosed because they're not being educated and they're not being screened. Untreated, the consequences of maternal mood disorders range from chronic, disabling depression to death. The impact of untreated maternal depression on infants/children ranges from behavioral and learning disabilities to depression and, in the worst case scenarios, death from infanticide."
More on what you can do to help:
1. Blog it on Blog Day for The MOTHERS Act tomorrow, Wednesday, October 24, 2007
2. Share your link at BlogHer
3. Proudly display the badge in this post stating you're going to do the above.
5. Go to Postpartum Support International to get all the contact info you need.
Or, click here to find your United States Senator's contact information and then all you need to do is say to the person who answers the phone:
"I'm calling because I want the Senator to vote for the MOTHERS Act, Senate Bill 1375. I vote and live in the Senator's state."
That's it - they'll make a note of it, and you're done - it's THAT easy and I'll be damned to an eternity of inefficient appliances, if it won't make you feel good.
Just DO it!