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June 2008

Mom and Mini-me's Most EXCELLENT Adventure!

I wrote a blog post about Mom-nesia and was recently interviewed for a piece on ABC News (I know; don't understand exactly how that happened) and truly believe that it really DOES exist and the more children you have, the less brain cells you're left with at the end of the day. They're lucky I remember their names - let alone, their birth dates - I mean, these poor kids have to share EVERYTHING...even me! Yesterday, Mini-me and I were invited to a private screening of the new Kit Kittredge - An American Girl Movie in New York City (I... Read more →

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Parenting Tip# 4,721,936: What doesn't kill you, will most certainly grow up and make you cry!

After having run about a bazillion errands, Mini-me and Thing Two pass out on mommy's chair, yesterday! As with most days, a large portion of my time was spent driving around, or waiting for someone, and running errands for someone else, this week. What, you too? So, you MUST know how cranky, tired and frustrated I am feeling right about now - considering, nothing that I actually WANTED to do, got done - and, as my kids get older, it doesn't get ANY better! Such is life - especially, if you are a parent - and if you've got a... Read more →

© This Full House 2003-2022. All rights reserved.

Hump Day Diddy Dumbs: Soccer has been very, very weary to me!

How hot WAS it? The temperature gauge in our van hit 101 degrees, yesterday afternoon - that's Africa HOT! - when I picked up the kids from school, yesterday. In Jersey? Well, it's just way too hot for June. So, our schools closed, early. Aaaand it was only two weeks ago when I blogged about the importance of practicing our Kegels and having nearly froze my butt cheeks to the bleachers during The Boy's travel soccer try-outs. [phone rings] My husband, Garth (not his real name) and I were hiding upstairs in our bedroom - relax, it's air-conditioned and the... Read more →

© This Full House 2003-2022. All rights reserved.

Mommy's Effing Little Meter Reader Gives Back!

Created by OnePlusYou Seriously, I was shocked to hear the high-level of f-bombs my dear sweet Catholic-friend Dana drops on her blog (58.4%, you dirty girl!) and perhaps she would be just as surprised to learn that my blog is a totally filled with crap! Or, not. So, I'm going to start my own potty-mouth-jar (just like Dana) and donate $1.00 for each comment I get on this dirty, dirty post. Shit...cha-ching...see, it's easy...let's raise the roof on the Cuss-O-Meter! I will keep comments opened all week (ending 5:00 p.m., Friday the 13th) and donate all the money from the... Read more →

© This Full House 2003-2022. All rights reserved.

Red, White and Blue Friday #7: eMom - Supporting Our Military, One eMail at a Time!

Red, White and Blue Fridays was created as a way of showing support to our soldiers by spreading the word on ways we (bloggers, like you and me) can say, "Thank you!" Regardless of the fact that you are a democrat, republican, liberal, independent, conservative, left wing, right wing, or a giant purple people-eater - WHATEVER - wouldn't it be nice if we could ALL know...come together and NOT be afraid to flaunt our red, white and blue....yeah...I mean, that's what the blogosphere is for...right? Riiiiight. This week, I'd like to share with you the first step towards making... Read more →

© This Full House 2003-2022. All rights reserved.

Meanwhile, Back at Kamp Kegel - Part II

My friends from Kamp Kegel (generously hosted by Johnson & Johnson for the makers of babies, everywhere) are holding reunions in the form of a weekly post roundup. Here's what my fellow hair-braiding badge awardees were up to this week - oh AND there are some pretty cool Father's Day giveaways, too: Mom's Favorite Stuff reviews a classic Father's Day present with a twist ! Pinks & Blues The ladies at Pinks & Blues name their Top 10 Gifts for Dad this Father's Day! You Grow Girl! Leeanthro at Soy is the New Black shows off her new raised garden... Read more →

© This Full House 2003-2022. All rights reserved.

Hump Day Diddy Dumbs: Project Mom

I love this picture - my husband, Garth (not his real name) took it on Memorial Day - I mean, take a real close look at those smiles. Yep - they look real enough - fresh from the runway, all warm and fuzzy like a slice of apple pie. Don't we look like the typical all-American family, all happy, sweet and ready for their photo shoot with New Jersey Life Magazine? Not that we have one scheduled, or anything, but - if we did - our cover story would read: "This Full House and its Keeper - She ain't no... Read more →

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