A Post That Has Absolutely Nothing to do With Christmas, Health Care, Housing and Auto Bailouts or My Growing Dependency on Coffee!
Nearly Wordless Wednesday: But, You Can Call Me Teenage Mutant Ninja Mommy

Blogging Out Hunger: Campaign Launch - We Can't Let This Bank Fail!

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It was 1946 and Hungary, as nearly all of Europe, was devastated by World War II, including the small hamlet where my mother attended kindergarten.  My mother's earliest childhood memories -- one of a very few that she will even speak of, I mean -- is the day the Americans shipped a case of peanut butter to her school. 

Each child was asked to line up and receive his, or her ration of peanut butter and then it was my mother's turn.

"Eva, where is your bread?"

My mother shyly whispered into her ear that she didn't have any -- the bakery ran out of their allotment of bread, earlier that morning.

"Well, what am I supposed to spread the peanut butter on, the palm of your hand?"

Growing up, we were used to hearing such stories at the dinner table  -- how, even in a big city like Budapest, my father was forced to steal to feed his younger siblings -- I don't think that my twin brother and I ever really understood how difficult it was for my parents.

Until, I got older and started raising a family of my own.

Today, I'm not ashamed to admit that we lived a frugal life and that my parents chose to accept the charity of strangers, to ensure that their children would never know that kind of hunger.

Today marks the official launch of This Bank Can't Fail campaign and I'm very proud to be joining forces with my blogging friend and fellow Jersey Girl Deborah Smith of JerseyBites.com, who has taken on the huge task of coordinating the Blogging Out Hunger on behalf of The Community Food Bank of New Jersey.


Because, I'm selfish.

Although, I'd love to go back in time and teach that bitch of a school teacher a thing, or two -- compassion, for starters -- I believe that doing something nice, for someone else, helps the suckage in my life feel, you know, less sucky.

Besides, the goal is to get 100 New Jersey bloggers spreading the word about the desperate need that The Community Food Bank of New Jersey is in due to the increased demands being put on New Jersey food pantries.


Well, one out of every five New Jersey families does not earn enough to afford the basic necessities of housing, food and child care although 85 percent of these households have at least one family member who is working.  Only 6 percent of them receive welfare.

C'mon, it's New Jersey - how bad can it be?

Okay, have you gone food shopping lately?

Here's one simple thing that you can do to help and, I promise, it won't hurt a bit.


Please look for the $1, $3, & $5 donation slips at A&P, Food Basics, Foodtown, Genuardi’s, Kings, Pathmark, ShopRite, Super Fresh and Wegmans. 

100% of your generous donation in the stores or at http://www.checkouthungernj.org/ will come back to the Food Bank and make a real difference in the fight against hunger in New Jersey.

Check-Out Hunger is the Food Bank’s largest annual fundraising campaign and the donations at the reporting retailers are 17% down from last year.

I mean, it only takes $1.00 -- less than what I would find on a good night of couch diving for change -- to join the fight against hunger and poverty. 

Don't believe me -- that's okay, nobody in my house ever does -- just look, over 100 of my fellow Jersites are Blogging Out Hunger:

1) JerseyBites.com

2) RedBankGreen.com

3) Jersey Girl Cooks

4) Simply Sable

5) John and Lisa are eating in South Jersey

6) Padma's Kitchen

7) Chefdruck

8) Life Lightly Salted

9) My Italian Grandmother

10) Cook Appeal

11) Crotchety Old Man Yells at Cars

12) Mommy Vents

13) This Full House

14) Paper Bridges

15) Motherhood Avenue

16) The Kamienski Chronicles

17) Down the Shore with Jen

18) Fits and Giggles

19) House Hubbies Home Cooking

20) Nourish Ourselves

21) Partybluprints.com

22) Tommyeats.com

23) Off the broiler

24) Mrs. Mo’s New Jersey Baby

25) IamNotaChef.com

26) SimplyBeer.com

27) HistoryGeek.com

28) Savy Source Newark

29) Momlogic New Jersey

30) SurvivingNJ.com/blog

31) SurvivingNJ.blogspot.com

32) JerseyGirlGuide.com

33) Best of Roxy

34) Citizen Mom.net

35) Lynetteradio.com

36) Jersey Beat

37) Pop Vulture Phil

38) JerseySmarts.com

39) LongBeachIslandSummers.com

40) WildwoodSummers.com

41) Mike Halfacres Blog

42) Somerset08873

43) Family, Friends and Food

44) KateSpot.com

45) NewJerseyMomsBlog.com

46) JCRegister.com

47) New Jersey Real Estate Report

48) Riverviewobserver.com

49) More Monmouth Musings

50) Man of Infirmity

51) Another Delco Guy in South Jersey

52) SweetNicks.com

53) Average Noone

54) Cleary’s Notebook

55) Welcome to my Planet

56) The Center of New Jersey Life

57) Sharon’s Food Blog

58) Morristown, Chatham, Summit, and Madison NJ Real Estate

59) Midtown Direct Real Estate News

60) New Jersey Real Estate

61) BlowUpRadio.com

62) LazlosDen.com

63) The Ridgewood Blog

64) Book a Week with Jen

65) Banannie

66) Cartoongoddess.com

67) Matawan Advocate

68) Take Back the Kitchen

69) The Joy of Toast

70) Route 55

71) Montclair Kids.com

72) SaveJersey

73) Stompbox

74) Joe the Blogger

75) Environmental Republican

76) Stacey Snacks

77) Subversive Garden

78) New Jersey Pathfinder

79) Cooking With Friends Blog

80) Triple Venti

81) Read All About It

82) Rich Lee on Media

83) Likelihood of Success

84) Cape Cuisine

85) The Business At Hand

86) NewJerseyTaxRevolution

87) Figmentations

88) MiddletownMike

89) Caviar and Codfish

90) A Day in the Life

91) Mack’s Journey Through Life

92) Alice’s Restaurant

93) Tiger Hawk

94)Politics Patrol, The Bob Ingle Blog

95) The Food Chain

96) Henson’s Hell

97) Cranbury Conservative

98) Baristanet

99) New Jersey: Politics Unusual

100) Jersey Shore Blog

101) Plainfield Today

102) Beacon Bulletin

103) Journal Square Jersey City 07306

What, you not from Jersey?

No problem, the food banks across America rely on individual, corporate and foundation support to fund their hunger-relief efforts.

Check out Feeding America to find a food bank near you!

Or, especially if you're having difficulty finding your holiday mojo, perhaps you'd consider digging, stumbling, or giving my humble attempts at Blogging Out Hunger a thumbs up on kirtsy, therefore, decreasing the surplus suckage in the world.


Because, nice matters and hunger sucks!


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