My House Stinks, How About Yours?
I don't know about you, but there isn't a day that goes by when I'm NOT saying stuff, like, "Ewww," or "Wait, my sock is stuck to the floor," and the ever-popular "What's that smell!?!?"
Oh, you don't...uh-huh...well, you must not have kids then.
Anyhow, so, I get this email yesterday from James of Dutch Boy's "Team Stinky" (I kid you NOT!) wondering, "Do you have the ugliest, stinkiest room in America?" And I'm all,, he must read my blog me think.
With three girls, sharing one bedroom...oh, boy...uh, SHYAH, I've got proof that theirs is stinkafiably (yes, it's a word!) the fugliest room in our house and totally submitting it as an entry into the My House Stinks contest!
First place wins $5,000 and 50 gallons of paint; 2nd prize gets $2,500 and 25 gallons of paint and 3rd prize is still worth $1,000 and 10 gallons of Refresh.
The girls are getting new bedroom furniture, today (thank you, Mama and Papa) and, in my mind, I had already committed most of yesterday to getting their room into shape (I know, ironic, isn't it?) just in time, really, lest the shiny new white furniture be spat out, like holy water, from the mouth hell.
So, I sent a note to Twitter (in case, you know, I went missing, or something) and headed in, sans shower and donning my protective mommy gear.
Basically, the folks at Dutch Boy (you know, the paint people) are looking for people (like me) with "uninhabitable" rooms in their homes to submit a picture to - I don't know if it's the purple paint (I know, I don't know what I was thinking...either) or, the massive amounts of stuff posted all over the walls that makes me think that we are perhaps the BIGGEST losers, when it comes home decor.
Or, lack thereof.
It took me 3 1/2 hours to empty the room out and move the bookcases over to the other side -- yeah, my ass still hurts -- but, I was excited to see that the girls' room was already beginning to look, you know, better.
Then, at precisely 9:00 a.m. this morning, came the new furniture!
I just finished. Amazing, isn't it? That's Heather's chest, there. My two teens are going to love the fact that they are NOT sharing baby furniture and that they each have a nice piece of wall to call their own.
That's Holly's dresser in the back -- the doors actually slide open and there are shelves behind both mirrors, SHELVES, people! -- but, Hope's bed was the clincher in the whole deal (did I mention, my parents paid for it all, THANK YOU MAMA AND PAPA) her bed has a drawers and plenty of cubbies for her stuff, too.
[breaths deep]
This is the first "real" piece of furniture my girls have had, well, ever and, since neither one of them has a room of their own, or getting one anytime soon, it's sort of nice to be able to stand there -- not to mention the fact that, you know, I'm still standing, barely -- and just breath.
I can't wait for them to get home today and see it!
[blank stare]
Oh, yeah of course I'm still going to enter the "My House Stinks" contest.
And, if the purple paint doesn't get 'em, then the massive amounts of laundry that now needs to be folded makes me think that I am STILL perhaps the BIGGEST A-LOO-SUH, when it comes good housekeeping.
Or, lack thereof, how about yours?
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