Like Cobwebs in the Corner, These Are the Days of Our Lies
I Was Vlogging, Before Vlogging Was Cool

When the Wet Gets Tough, the Tough Get Wet!

Day 74 - WashoutPhoto cross-posted to our 365 Day Project

So, how was your weekend?  Uh-huh.  Ours?  Well, Jersey got hit with a BEYOTCH of a storm, I mean this thing had monster winds of 40, 60, sometimes 70 miles per hour (so, I heard) it uprooted trees, knocked out power and left some of our neighbors without electricity AND gas.


[knocking on wood until knuckles bleed]

Just a few extra leaks, here and there.

"Uh-oooooh, found ANOTHER one!"

So, as my youngest children raced each other.

"Nooooo, I found that one, already!"

Playing an indoor-version of ISpy.


To see which of them could, you know, find the most stains on our living room ceiling.

"Yah-huh, don'tcha see the pot?!?"

My husband, Garth [not his real name] and I decided that yesterday would be a good time, as any, to leave the kids to their fun, while he and I braved the storm, for some more emergency supplies.

"Could you pick up some Clearisil...I need face make up...could you pick something up at Redbox...aaaand, don't forget the Cheerios, okay?"

Seeing as my two oldest were home recovering from getting their braces (YAY!) and the youngest kids, you know, can't drive...yet.

"Can we come?"

[one beat, two beats]


[lips quiver]

"Buh-buh-but, why not?"

I reminded my son about his sleeping over a friend's house and my youngest that she just spent almost all of Saturday, alone, with me.

"But, you took me to work!"

Okay, but I was training a new hire and, well, I did have her bring crayons and stuff...sheesh!

"Besides, I want some private time with Daddy!"

It's funny, raising teens and tweens, I mean (funny weird, not funny ha ha) how our priorities seem to change.

"Where are we going, again?"

Almost on a daily basis, you know?

"Lowes, Costco, I think."

[lips quiver]

"What's at Michaels?"

[hands on hips]

"I'm ALL out of yarn!"

I know what you're thinking; we don't have yarn in our emergency supply kit.

"Maybe I should stay home with the kids."

[one beat, two beats]

"Sure, then maybe you can get an early jump on the to do list."

In our house?  I'll pretty much do anything, to avoid spring cleaning, except, maybe something illegal (kids ARE watching, you know?) and, truth be told, it's been a real tough week (for the both of us) and, well, what with the kids crazy school stuff (don't even get me started on our attendance woes) not to mention, my working part-time, into the night (thank goodness, I'm home during the day) Garth [not his real name] and I almost NEVER get any alone time, anymore.

[hands on hips]

Damned if I'll spend it cleaning.

[looks left, looks right and then left]

Okay, all I really wanted was to get back home, snuggle up next to the hubs and work on that crocheting project I started, um, what month is it, again?

"I'll get my wallet."

Just don't tell Garth [not his real name] okay?

[hollers uptairs]

"Don't forget the rebate check."

After a quick-ish stop at Costco for school lunch supplies, of course!

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