The Seven Years of Mommyblogging and Happy Everything!
Independence is a Relative Term

Frankie Says, RELAX!

What, You Don't Have One of These

What, you don't have one of these?

In my next life, I want to be a cat.  Not MY cat, because, well, he's already used up 3 of his lives and, well, you know.


The point I'm trying to make (and yes, I'll get there, eventually) why do cats always seem so gosh-darned relaxed?

[sound of crickets chirping]

Unless, there's a dog around.  Or, kids.  Oh, and something bigger that can, you know, eat it, well, that would be REAL bad.


All it takes is one look at MY cat, all curled up on a chair, or snuggled safely into one of about a thousand baskets scattered throughout the house (what, I've got O.C.C.C. - obsessive compulsive collector of crap, okay?)


What was I saying?  Oh, yeah (I'm old, shuddup!) just one look into his big greenish eyes (go ahead, I'll wait) don't they just SCREAM what IS your problem, right?

[stupid crickets]


I guess what I'm saying (aaaand, if you're still here, reading, there IS a special place in heaven for those who humor debilitatingly dork-ish folks, like me, I swear!) just look at him, go ahead, I'll wait.


See, NOT everything in nature HAS to have a function, all the time...soooo, why can't WE (i.e. human, more specifically, parental unit types) learn to relax...for JUST 5 blessed minutes...right?

[the sound of many doors, SLAMMING]


Morale of the Story:  Consider this YOUR ticket (to relax, der!) go find a chair, or basket somewhere to curl up in and, you know, just tell EVERYONE:

"I am grooming my inner-cat!"

That SHOULD get them hauling tail, out of the room, pretty quick, and gain you AT LEAST 5 minutes of peace and quiet.

In theory, anyway.


In the meantime...I know there is NO such word as "dibilitatingly" AND his name is NOT Frankie, but I'm old and it's my blog, so...JUST RELAX..and thankyouverymuch...for humoring me.

[cue choir of angels]

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