Wordless Wednesday: <3
Wordless Wednesday: No wonder they don't chase him off the couch!

Haven't Slept in Days, I Blame Harry Potter

I was emailing, back and forth, with a friend, early today, when I noticed something funny.

Not like, in, ha ha, funny (I need at least 2 cups of coffee for that to happen) but, more like, hey, wait a minute, that sentence didn't read like that...in my head...anyway.

Which is when I realized something.

Not ONLY do I talk in my sleep (you lucky BlogHer roomies, you!) but, I think real fast, when I write, too.

However, I'm not sure if it's because my mind is used to racing...ALL THE TIME... or, if my fingers just can't keep up and, um, what are we talking about, again?

OH YEAH...I remember now...Harry Potter.

Harry Potter Tweet 1 Actually, I was really looking forward to Harry Potter 2 and my 15yo's best friend (since the 2nd grade) was moving to Florida, with his family, the next day, so, I was more than happy to give them once last chance to, you know, hang out.

Standing in line, for an hour, with a couple of 12yo boys (my son tagged along with his bff, however, this was a last minute thing, so the 15yo's had separate tickets, were seated within 5 minutes AND our theater just happened to be the last one to empty out right before midnight, go figure) insisting that, YES, of course I will remember to buy them popcorn, once the movie started (liar, liar) not so much.

Harry Potter Tweet 2So, of course, I had to tweet about it and lucky my friend @melisalw was, you know, still awake.

We FINALLY took our seats (4th row, center, my neck still hurts) at a minute passed midnight and, for the next couple of hours, I literally could NOT take my eyes off the screen and the boys didn't seem to mind the fact that, you know, I forgot ALL about the popcorn.

The movie was THAT good and, well, 2 out of 4 of my kids can now add "Watched the sun come up," to their, "What I did for summer vacation," list.

Playdate Picnic Collage
Right next to "host a playdate with a brand new friend," and "have a Hula hoop contest," oh and "travel into New York City" to see whose spit lands the closest to Jersey (fyi: 12 yo boys seem to really excel at this, just so you know!)

The fact that...YES!...we did all this (and more) at the SAME time, within a 48 hour period, is very relevant to the reasoning behind the title of this post (I think, maybe, I dunno, I forget) BUT, it IS the quickest and simplest excuse to why I most probably will be talking with my hands, too, at BlogHer, next month, and my obvious penchant for writing perhaps the longest paragraphs, in blogging history, really.

Aaaaand, like my busted flip flops and the blisters on my mangled feet, I'm sticking to it (you're welcome!) where's the coffee?

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