Feeling Hot, HOt, HOT!
Roadside Assistance For Teens

Don't Have a Zombie Name for BlogHer?
Go Ahead and Get One (I'll Wait!)


One of the things I'm looking forward to the most about attending the BlogHer Conference, next week (besides, enjoying the company of online friends and meeting up with co-writers, some for the very first time, not to mention, the whole, yah, San Diego is GORGEOUS thing, of course!) is attending the Old School Blogging session.

Not only are 2 of my most favorite people in the whole wide web, Jenn and BusyMom, speaking (Melisa and I have reserved the front row, just so you know) seeing as I will also be celebrating my 8th Blogiversary, in September, I feel as if we are INDEED kindred spirits.

(AM SO!)

I am also honored to be able to call them out as very dear friends, IRL, too (yes, they know about it!)

Why?  Is that weird?  It's not meant to be, really. 

We've shared the ups, downs and somewhere in-betweens of blogging, while under the influence of children, for 8 years, now (not an easy feat, by the by) and each of us has, quite literally, watched our kids grow up, online.

Because, contrary to all the reports about blogging being passé, or very nearly dead (at best) there are some things that don't translate well on Facebook, or Twitter.

So, at the risk of sounding all mushy (I know, E., too late!) I thought it would be fun to wear my new Zombie Name Tag proudly at BlogHer, this year:

Zombie Name Generator

Seeing as I'll be very surely, nearly dead, by this time, next week, anyway, preparing for a 6 hour plane ride and all (Dramamine is my co-pilot!)

Either way, if you are a blogging newbie, or a first-timer to this particular conference circuit, as a 5 time attendee, my best advice (unsolicited as it may be) can be summed up in 3 simple bullets: 

  • Do NOT sweat it, my friend (we are ALL as nervous, as you are, I promise)
  • Blogging is most assuredly alive and STILL kicking creative ass (see blogroll above)
  • There is plenty of room for everyone (even dorks, like me)

Just don't make me have to bite you, okay?

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