Wordless Wednesday: Stolen Kisses
Why Worry When You Can Confuse the Forces of Evil, Instead?!?

Eye of the Tiger Mom

My oldest daughter is a senior in high school...hang on, while I allow that to sink in or, at least, until I stop shivering...okay, that's better, thanks.

Aaaaanyway, there is nothing...and I mean ABSOLUTELY NADA...that will bring even the most light-hearted of parental units...crashing back down to earth...faster than a high school graduation and/or college looming over your head.

Aaaaand, the perverbial glass ceiling being...I am her mother.

"I need a baby picture for the year book!"

You've heard of Manic Mondays, right (Bangles, 1986, look it up on Youtube, youngster!)

"Um, okay, when do you need it?"

Well, at our house, we celebrate Frantic Fridays.

"Deadline is today."

Of course.  Why not?  Never mind that her father is in the car, waiting, or that she should have been at school, 10 minutes ago, OH, and I have absolutely NO CLUE where her baby book is OR if it's even finished.

Holly June 1994
Luckily, my youngest (a.k.a. The Informer) pulled this pic pretty much out of nowhere (a'la Houdini) and, well...hang on another second...or 60,000...as my mind begins to race:

  • Was she EVER that little?!? 
  • Did I remember to pack away those adorable baby shoes?!? 
  • What in the world possessed me to get rid of that hat?!?
  • I am SUCH a bad mother!!! 
  • Oh, look, how she's smiling, that's a good thing, right?!?

The simple act of holding a photo and ALL this (and, MUCH, MUCH more) goes through my mind (it's a gift!)

Revisiting stuff, like, maybe I should have done [insert stuff] differently.

Or, stuff I didn't do, in the last almost 18 years, like, take her to Disney (I mean, really, every kid SHOULD go to Disney, right?!?)

"Oh, look how cute I was."

Still is (are?) albeit, frustratingly flighty at times and perpetually late...hey, wait a minute...apple, meet tree!!!


Holly snatched the photo from my hand and I turned, a little too quickly (I suffer from severe internal bedhead, too) but, managed to grab my camera in time for the second chorus:


The leaky roof, cracked ceilings, busted water heater, renovation projects that have gone unfinished for, well, uh, did I mention, we've got a kid, turning 18, next month (I think?!?)

NOPE, wouldn't trade ANY of it...NADA!...at this very moment...for all the dry wall and/or spackle mud in the world.

The fact that my 10-year-old even knew the words to Eye of the Tiger (Survivor, 1982, shuddup) which came out the same year I graduated high school?!?


PRICELESS and more than just a little freaky, right?!?

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