Nearly Wordless Wednesday:
Williamsburg, VA 2005
The Money Shot

Turkey Neck for Your Thoughts

We've hosted more than a dozen Thanksgivings (yes, on purpose!) however, this year marks a first.

We were ALL seated and eating by 1:30 p.m.

My in-laws aren't comfortable driving at night, anymore (we live in Jersey, I don't blame them) and I'm not comfortable with my parents driving the 45 minutes to get home (give or take an hour, which is  equal to about 45-50 miles, if you're not from Jersey) either.

Still, in our minds, each moment we get to share, with each other, is a gift.

So, my husband Garth (NHRN) and I decided to have dinner early, giving our parents time to sit, enjoy themselves and then get home with time enough to spend a quiet evening, with each other.

Us, too.

So, now that the dishes are done (mostly) the dining room broken down and the kiddie table is back in the garage, it's time to start celebrating our own private little Thanksgiving.

I've already missed half of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas (the Jim Carrey version is our favorite and lines from the movie may or may not be quoted, throughout the year) soon to be followed by Christmas Vacation.

So, pardon me, while I change into my pajamas and squee-gee myself into a spot on the couch.

"Whassup with the turkey neck?"

Of course, I couldn't pull ANY of this off without the help of my husband, Garth (NHRN) and yet, have to remind him, every year, about the turkey neck.

"It's for my grandmother."

It was her favorite and in my mind, 8 years after her passing, she still gets first dibs.  I know.  I'm a dork.  Still.

"If she shows up to eat it, I'm leaving!"

[one beat, two beats]

"Go ahead and give it to the Doofus-Dawg!"

I may be a tired, wigged-out, slightly sore and totally pms-ing major dork, at the moment (you're welcome) but, my Nagy Mama did NOT raise no fool.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, my friends.

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