Bathroom/Library Redo, Done, For Real (I Think!)
Eloquence, Thy True Name is Silence

Day 30: I #NaBloPoMo'd This Here Blog Aaaaand, I Liked It (Sort of!)

Today is the LAST DAY of NaBloPoMo and this marks my 30th blog post, this month.

Deep breath, exhale, repeat.

I realize that there is way more news-worthy stuff going on in the world at the moment and, honestly, can think of at least several other note-worthy achievements I'd rather claim, like:

  • Inventing a dust repellent (totally safe, unless you are dust, of course!)
  • While I'm at it, making lint, split ends, blogging over the age of 40 and wearing pajamas to work totally fashionable and uber-trendy (also, bringing back the word uber!)
  • Creating a sarcasm font (balanced by an equally efficient auto politically correcter, of course!)
  • Also, self-washing AND self-folding clothes.

You know, stuff like that.  Because, seeing as I am entering my 9th year of blogging (i.e. will be moving to my toes, in order to keep track, real soon) I feel it safe to say that life has a way of squashing one's motivation...period.

Especially, when under the influence of teenagers (just wait, you'll see!) also, it's sort of hard to argue with an algorithm.

Which is probably why, around halfway through the month, I was pushing myself at 10:30 p.m. to sit down, relax and just write.

So, yes, my committing to AND actually following through NaBloPoMo is indeed a BIG FRIGGIN' DEAL!

Aaaaand, not so much for the notoriety or page hits (actually, judging by this month's blog stats, not at all) you know, that I know, that you know AND even if you don't, NaBloPoMo'ing does NOT make me a better blogger, than you, or anyone else.

On the other hand (or foot) I hope you do forgive me, for my feeling like less of a dork...for just one be able to say...I DID IT...NaBloPoMo'd the h-e-double-hockey sticks out of this here blog!

Aaaaand, while I'm at it, I hereby proclaim myself as the "Queen of Awesome!"

[ducks to avoid falling sky]

On this here blog, anyway.

© 2003 - 2011 This Full House

Aaaand, so this ENDS my NaBloPoMo-ing it, this month (first time NaBloPoMo-er) feel free to check out what I've NaBloPoMo-ed (PHEW!) when you have time, of course!

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