So, there I was, just sitting, reading the latest issue of Cottage Living and minding my own (ahem) business, when, all of the sudden, RRRRRRRRIIIIIIPPPPP.
Aaaaaand, at about 10:30 this morning, something snapped and I went all Mommy Dearest, right there, in the middle of, well, you know.
Really?!? As if the crumpling ceiling and leaky walls in the living room, not to mention the mysterious black hole, forming on the ceiling above the washer and dryer, as we speak, weren't enough (stupid Irene) then again, who the heck wallpapers a bathroom, right?!?
4 hours, 2 cups of coffee and 3 trips to the OTHER bathroom, later.
A good day's work, eh? Tomorrow, we prime (and by we, I mean me) and I hope to be able to wrap up my extreme bathroom makeover by this weekend.
Why, yes, of course I remember that Thanksgiving is only, like, 7 sleeps away. Because, we're hosting an intimate dinner for 12 (so far) and, although the rest of the house maybe a shambles (stupid Irene) the bathroom/library is going to look mah-vuh-luss, dagnabit.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go and find Garth (NHRN) because, I seem to have lost my ass somewhere in between the hallway and dinner.
Stupid wallpaper, dumbass Irene.
[Progress Report: having nearly painted myself into a coronary on Friday and then coming under the wire, late Saturday night (stupid #NaBloPoMo) my spontaneous bathroom makeover is complete!!]
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