Painting Myself Into a Coronary
Yesterday, I spontaneously started de-constructing our bathroom and, even though we've used other people's half-bathrooms that were WAY BIGGER (hrmph) when it comes to prepping walls for paint, size does NOT matter.
Every part of my body, even the parts that I forgot I even had, hurts.
About halfway through I was all, like, what was I thinking?!? I should of used a little Elmer's glue, some duct tape, perhaps sprinkled a little holy water and called it a day.
Look, it's Frankenshower!
Playing with painter's tape, however, IS AWESOME!!! In fact, I may or may not have been a little overzealous with taping the shower.
3 cups of coffee, 2 coats of primer (ceiling and walls, each) and 4 trips to the OTHER bathroom later, I've spent a total of 8 hours on this last minute project and was totally excited about being "this close" to being finished.
Until, all those little imperfections previously ignored (ahem) started bleeding through.
I have until this weekend to get this finished and seeing as I've pretty much painted myself into a corner (bah-dum-bum) a 3rd trip to Home Depot (today) and I'm pretty sure I've come up with a solution.
Tomorrow, we paint (and by we, I mean me) and, hopefully, I'll be able to show you the results in a lovely side-by-side, before-and-after shot, with my next post.
Only if it, you know, comes out good, of course.
In the meantime, if anyone needs me, I'll be upstairs, avoiding HGTV, the DYI Channel and fending off a coronary.
Stupid old house, dumbass wallpaper.
[Progress Report: coming just under the wire, late Saturday night (stupid #NaBloPoMo) my spontaneous bathroom makeover is complete!!]
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