Sometimes, I Just Want
My Baby Girl Back
Looking at this face, would you believe she's grounded for the next 2 weeks?!?
In preparation for showing off my spontaneous bathroom makeover (a.k.a. the extreme dork edition) I excitedly reached for my camera.
Memory full (DAGNABIT!) so, I scoured the house for a SD card and, surprisingly enough, found one!
Okay, so, I know my middle girl is majoring in photography and everything, but I didn't really think the pics I'd just taken were ALL that bad.
"These pics are ALL, like, from 2005!"
[eyes go wide]
OMG, I don't even remember this or my youngest ever liking green beans.
I feel vindicated, however, in insisting that she used to wear dresses (on purpose) and yes, she also wore her pink cowgirl boots everywhere.
Then, this. And I felt the walls of my heart implode a little.
Sometimes, I forget.
Because, she makes it REAL hard for me to remember.
Sometimes, I feel like the worst mother in the world.
Because, once she got older and started needing me less, easy, breezy days like these seem so far and few in between.
Sometimes, I just want my baby girl back.
© 2003 - 2011 This Full House
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