Turkey Neck for Your Thoughts
Where There Is Smoke, There is Dinner

The Money Shot

My mother-in-law gave me simply the best compliment, yesterday.

"Your house is always so warm and inviting."

Seeing that it is basically held together with spit and Elmer's glue.  Seriously, having tacked up the loose wallpaper on Thanksgiving Eve, I am not even kidding.

Stupid Hurricane Irene!

So, besides telling me that I look way thinner, it really was the nicest thing you could say to me, at the moment.

"I just don't have your energy, anymore."

What do you say to that?  To a woman who, as long as I've known her and even way before then, has loved the holidays best? 

In my head, I was thinking all of the possible responses (and this would be a real good time to thank goodness you are not in my head) like:

  • Well, I am, like what, 40 years younger than you?
  • Yes, but you should see me tomorrow morning?
  • Did I mention, you are much older than I am?

Instead, I promised to help my mother-in-law put out some of her Christmas decorations, today.

"But, why do I have to go?"

Much to the dismay of my 12 year-old son.

"It would make her happy and I said so."

Because, I'm good with the reasoning like that.

Black Friday at Gram's House

Although he would never admit it (out loud) that is totally my son's, "Yeah, you were right, Mom" face.

I texted my middle girl this photo, who stayed home to rest (stupid migraines!) and honestly, we had SUCH a great time.

Then, on the way home, my son hollered, leaving me slightly deaf in my right ear.

"QUICK!  Pull over, Mom!!"

In my head, I was thinking all of the possible reasons why (yadda, yadda) finally deciding that, having just passed some major roadkill, I had indeed waited too long to feed the boy.

Turns out, he just thought the sky was too awesome NOT to stop and take a closer look.

Aaaaand, he was right. It really was one of the prettiest sunsets I have ever seen.

But, this?  Being able to see his warm and happy expression, right through the shadows?  In my opinion, it is the money shot.

And, to think, we almost missed it, if it weren't for one simple little compliment.

Thanks, Mom!

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