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April 2012

Don't Mess With Mother Nature, She Probably Has Teens

The kids have been on spring break since Friday and, since my oldest is scheduled to work this week/weekend and needs the car to, you know, get there (it's about a 30 minute ride down the Parkway, in Jersey speak) we're pretty much rooted close to home. By yesterday afternoon 2 out of 4 of them weren't speaking to each other (because, girls are pretty much women in training, just so you know) the boy and I needed some fresh air. Also, the roast had about another hour left. So, we took Doofus-dawg for a quick walk before dinner. It... Read more →

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The Year Without An Easter Bunny

Growing up, our family consisted of me, my twin brother, my parents, my maternal grandmother and my Aunt Theresa (the rest of our extended family lived overseas) so, yes, celebrating holidays, like Easter was a very big deal. We would wait for my father to come home from working at the garden center (Easter flowers were pretty big in the stone ages too, believe it or not) only then would we carve into the Easter ham or (in my brother's case) dive into some Hungarian smoked sausage and crack open a couple of Easter eggs dyed by boiling them in... Read more →

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What Would Mike Holmes Do, Aye?

Measuring at just under 2,000 square feet (give or take a dust-encrusted corner) we live in a very modest 3 bedroom home. By today's housing standards, it would more likely be described as a bungalow, cottage or expanded cape (ranch-like section added on back in the 80's) with the original a-frame portion to the left (when facing the house) dating back over 100 years. Having grown up in a 5 room home (yes, my parents house was very cozy) and then sharing a 4 room apartment with my husband (cozier still) to me, this house seemed like a mansion. I... Read more →

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