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November 2013

Quite possibly my best parenting advice, evuh: just do you!

Her future's so bright, we gotta wear shades :) If you were to ask me to choose the most challenging aspect of our college-search journey, besides agonizing over financial packages, my short answer would be: watching my kid agonize over EVERYTHING ELSE, including my agonizing over financial packages. For my middle daughter, now that it's crunch time (applications for merit and presidential scholarships are due December 1st), it's having to submit a personal essay: specifically, introducing herself to the admissions officers, by sharing with them what SHE feels makes her unique. "But you're a pretty-terrific kid." Aaaaand, here's where Heather,... Read more →

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Thanksgiving Soup (a.k.a. Black Friday Soup)

I have served this yummy soup, every year on Black Friday, ever since the kids were little and I think they look forward to it more than Thanksgiving too! It is a very simple soup that is also super-fast to throw together, which makes it a perfect meal for anytime of the year. INGREDIENTS: 1 large onion 3 stalks celery 1 green Italian pepper 3 large carrots 1 large tomato 2 cups cooked turkey 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons canola (or vegetable) oil 6 cups chicken stock 6 cups water 3 cups uncooked noodles salt and pepper to taste... Read more →

© This Full House 2003-2022. All rights reserved.

The year we gave thanks for popsicle sticks.

As a mom of 2 teens, 1 almost-teen (she’s 12, same thing) and a college-aged child (YIKES!) I feel it safe to say that the transition from summer to the start of a new school year is NEVER an easy one. Which is why I would allow my kids the chance to decompress on the playground, even if only for a few minutes, every day afterschool. It also gave me the chance to stop, enjoy some fresh air and help us each get into the swing of their new schedules, which usually happened around November, just in time for Thanksgiving... Read more →

© This Full House 2003-2022. All rights reserved.

If I have to eat my words, let it be "dessert"!

I'm guessing it isn't a morning bird. We're on the downside of a Nor'easter that came knocking on our house in the middle of the night (because, of course!) and, with a full plate of stuff that needs to get done before the kids get home from school (it's a half-day, enough said!) I am super-thankful to be awake, with electricity and everything. It's still raining cats and dogs and a couple of squirrels (seriously, I think it's their mating season, or something) so my husband, Garth (not his real name) is all, like, "You're driving Hope to the bus... Read more →

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Decking the halls, like there's no tomorrow.

We've hosted Thanksgiving for more than a dozen years and, for all my talk of going on killer dust bunny hunts and finding new places to hide the laundry, I really do enjoy having family over for the holidays -- YES, on purpose! Aaaaaand, now that my kids are older (me too, dammit!) I don't worry as much about: The table setting -- nope, it doesn't match, but I hear that's a thing now The food preparation -- yes, some of it comes out of a can Cleaning and organizing the flow of the house -- seriously, I've got teens... Read more →

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Stupid migraines, dumbass'ologists.

I blogged about helping my in-laws with a few chores around the house and shared this picture on Facebook, of my kids helping their grandparents put up their Christmas tree, when I noticed that one of my kids was missing...just like last time. It's funny to see how each of them have grown and changed in such a short time -- seriously, Glen is nearly 6' 2" tall -- realizing that our middle girl was once again sidelined by a migraine...not so much. Heather has missed a lot of school days over the years, but her migraines have become debilitating... Read more →

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I am not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.

He's drinking out of the dog's water bowl, WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!? I remember the first time I got "my cards read," I was my youngest girl's age (12 going on 42) and it freaked me out, big time. Her name was Charlotte, she was a friend of my Aunt Theresa's and she practiced cartomancy, which sounds an awful lot like gastromancy, but has nothing to do with being romantically involved with someone who works for the gas company -- although, considering today's economy, it certainly would be a perk. "You will marry a man, with 5 letters in his... Read more →

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