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August 2014

We make Mondays look good!

Flash-back to every Friday afternoon, 1982-1993: my co-workers and I would lock our desks, forward our phones over to the answering service, just about race each other to our cars and then peel out of the parking, because FRIDAY! Flash-forward, today: I still pretty much get that same AWESOME feeling, peeling out of my bra and racing my husband to the couch, because freeeeeeeeee-duuuuuuuuum...THE BRA IS OFF!!! Weekends, on the other hand, can get a little dicey around here, especially living in the house that #FUBAR built. Let's review, shall we?!? Saturday morning: the dishwasher started making a funny noise... Read more →

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Social media is keeping me unproductive, sort of.

It's here, it's here! Time to turn those calendars (HARD!) and kick-off a fresh, new month with a blogging challenge, yes?!? Then again, maybe you should NOT be listening to me. You see, I sort of triple-dog dared my friend Patti at Easton Place Designs to join me in April...then she went and ACTUALLY April...and I sort of fizzled out...around the 8th or 9th, I think...because, I'm more of a DON'T DO WHAT I DID sort of bloggity-mentor, like that...YO!!! Sooooo, if you're like me (figuratively speaking, because not many people can handle THAT much dork) and are frequented... Read more →

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