One Flew INTO the Cuckoo's Nest
Today started out not so great, however, I was mentally prepared for it (living with 3 teens, a 20-something-year-old and not sleeping very well, having agonized over ALL the things, last night), because there's always a fair amount of crazy going on at our house and I am a fully-functional worry wart.
Heather: Holly has an interview, so you're taking me to work, right?
There's a long and very convoluted story of why Heather doesn't have her driver's license, yet. It's not my story to tell. Suffice it to say, spring cannot come quick enough.
Me: Yup!
[looks out window]
BAH!, it's snowing like crazy.
Because I'm a...BAH!!! It's snowing like crazy!!!...sort of driver. Then the car broke down and then something broke in my head. You know, the type of broke that makes your nose run, while you stare at absolutely nothing, and a long line of spit starts to form...from your your chest.
Or am I the only one who has broken head, runny nose and spit-forming-from-your-chin-to-your-chest-type moments?
So, yeah, I was feeling very, very sorry for myself, when I heard the bird hit the backdoor.
Heather: OH NO, IS IT DEAD?!?
My middle girl was working from home (because the car broke and then MOM'S HEAD BROKE!) and we both just stood at the back door, staring at this poor little bird, lying on its stomach with its legs all splayed out and its face stuck in the snow.
Me: Well, its legs are moving.
But the poor bird seemed to be having trouble lifting its head from out of the snow.
Me: Maybe it just knocked the wind out of itself.
I know...I personally would've been all...HOLY CRAP!!!...who put that door there, dammit?!?
So, I reached down, picked it up, held the poor thing in my hands and stroked the top of its head...while the snow dripped from its a light shade of pink.
Heather: Look, Mom is being all Snow White.
Not really, I was wearing pajamas, but it was snowing.
Me: He's breathing a bit funny, but his eyes are open, I don't want to scare it.
I wiped the snow from the back step and gently placed him down.
Me: We'll just have to let nature take its course.
I mean, it's a bird. Birds don't live that long, anyway. Right? Flying into stuff or getting eaten by something bigger. What are you going to do? It's survival of the fittest.
I grabbed some lint from the dryer (there's always plenty to share!) and placed it under the bird.
Me: There, now his belly won't be cold.
The bird was still awake, but not moving much, besides flexing his tail feathers.
Heather: Maybe we can put him in a basket and hang him up high, so the hawk doesn't get him.
GOOD IDEA!!! I grabbed one of the baskets from the kitchen, lined it with some more dryer lint, gently placed the bird inside and hung the basket right outside the backdoor.
Now, mind you, both Heather and I were running around the house...looking for just the right basket...and more lint...during this entire time...with the dog running right behind us...because BIRD!!!
And then Melisa called.
Me: OMG! We're trying to save a bird!
Melisa has visited with us a couple of times (most recently, this past October) so she's used to the crazy. Aaaaand she can pretty much follow along (for better or worse) whenever I crazy-talk.
The poor bird...I couldn't just let it DESERVES a chance to live...I'M GOING TO SAVE THIS BIRD, DAMMIT!!!...and she kept listening, because she is a good friend, like that.
Heather: I think it's moving around!
So she stepped outside to take a closer look...
Heather: OH!!! It just flew away!!!
Then something else broke in my head and I started crying into the phone. And then my daughter wanted to know why I was crying?
Me: Because...[sniff-sniff]...I already started writing this blog post...[wiping nose] my head...[sniff-sniff]...with two alternate endings.
I like this ending MUCH better, because that's EXACTLY how my mind works and welcome to my brain!
Melisa: IT'S A SIGN!!!!
Aaaaand, then my day started to get MUCH better.
Me: Now If only I could come up with a good title!
Blog post title inspiration, courtesy of Melisa.