Holly Feed

Our Mother/Daughter Weekend, Gone Ugly Cry

I feel extremely lucky to have experienced (what I consider to be) once-in-a-lifetime type moments, via my little corner of the internets and feel very blessed to have a strong online network of friends and peers (yes, they know about it!) most especially, when dissing them during the Type-A Advanced blogging conference in Philadelphia to spend the rest of the weekend, with my oldest daughter. it's our first mother/daughter weekend away, can you tell?!? While my friends Amy Clark and Jo-Lynne Shane fed my inner-squirrel...I mean, what I meant to say was...encouraged my love of Pinterest (heh) and Maria Bailey... Read more →

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Parenting Tip #45,371,381: Don't Sweat the Small Stuff - Shove a Slushy Snowball Down Someone's Shirt, Instead!

My husband, Garth (not his real name) is really good at not panicking, especially dealing with an emergency situation; when, considering I took to Twitter when my middle girl's butt exploded, clearly I am not. On the other hand, I have made it my life's mission to NOT sweat the small stuff AND have consistently failed said mission (it was more like a guideline, anyway, really) for the last...ummmm, let's see...how old IS my oldest kid, again?!? Aaaaanyway, point being (and I really do have one, promise) Garth (not his real name) and I have taken to handling this whole...parenting... Read more →

© This Full House 2003-2022. All rights reserved.

More Big Bang for Their Buck

If you were to visit my house, on any given day, you would most likely be very surprised to hear any one of my daughters singing...by herself or altogether...in Korean...and my son begging me or his father to...PLEASE, MAKE THEM STOP!!! Not that my son has anything against the Korean. Or any other language, really. Although, I have it on good authority that his Spanish teacher may or may not have made a pact with the devil. Teenagers can be SO weird about stuff, sometimes. Which brings me back to all three of my daughters and their long-time obsession with... Read more →

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So, I Wrote This Blog Post on Katie Couric's Website

Raise your hand if you NEVER thought you would EVER read THAT blog post title here at This Full House of crunchy floors and sticky socks [raises handed] me, either. Unlike my house, I like to keep things light and airy on my blog. Then my oldest daughter Holly and I were invited to NYC to tape a segment of Katie Couric's new daytime television show and I never thought I would say THAT (out loud) either. The show on Dating Violence aired on Katie yesterday and my husband was more than just a little surprised to learn that I... Read more →

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Color Me 50 Shades of Surprised, In Katie's Green Room!

A week ago (today) my oldest daughter and I traveled into NYC to tape a segment of Katie Couric's new daytime television show (never thought I would say that OUT LOUD...right?...me, either)! We were both super-excited to be able to share in the experience of my being asked to blog during the taping (I'll be the one hiding behind a borrowed laptop) the subject matter, however, left us both feeling emotionally, mentally and physically exhausted. I am not at liberty to share with you what the show was about (not yet, anyways, it's airing next month) I can tell you,... Read more →

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