Feel free to grab a beverage and visit with some of my favorite reads! Not for nuhthin, but g'head, I'll wait and keep the porch light on for yuhs, just in case :)
100 Routes Across America
Made her snort soda outta her nose at an airport once.
A Madison Mom
She's from Jersey, love huh.
A Mommy Story
She is one of the regulars.
As Cape Cod Turns
Mermaid sisters, separated at birth.
Because I Said so
I accidentally drowned her iPhone once, but she's over it (I think!)
Busy Mom
Co-founder of SaveHer, NO CAPES!
Complicated Mama
Got us lost going to Girl Gone Travel's house, I think we know where Jimmy Hoffa's buried!
Deepest Worth
She writes way gooder than me.
Domestic Psychology
Also, another one of the regulars.
Enjoying This Life
We'll always have Madonna at the wax museum.
From Tracie
She has a real gift for writing, you're welcome.
Girl Gone Travel
I'm living vicariously through Carol's Instagram feed.
Good Day, Regular People
She's funny, and pretty, and smart, and did I mention funny?!?
Headless Mom
She's got teens, enough said!
Houseful of Nicholes
Girl can work a catwalk.
She knows how much I hate the dark and refused to allow me to sleep on the couch, by myself, once.
Just Another Mom Blog
Her rendition of "the Ellen dance" is the best, next to Momo's, EVUH!!!
A fellow #dork from way back when blogging was still in diapers.
Life in the Bat Cave
Also admits to being born and raised in Jersey, she's super-awesome!
Life with Roozle
Got a little girl crush going on for Casey, she rules.
Melisa (with one S!)
We've slept together, quite a few times, fell down her stairs once and broke my toe, first time I'd ever broken a bone [knocking on wood until knuckles bleed].
Mom to the Screaming Masses
Yet another regular, her arms are absolutely AMAZING!
She was my first blogger crush, she's pretty famous now.
Mommy Knows
She's got lens, and she knows how to use it.
Mommy Needs Coffee
Blessing hearts and taking names since 2003.
Mommy Niri
She's wicked-smaht, for real.
Wow, just wow.
Moody Mama
Love me some moody, long time.
Mrs. Flinger
Until recently, I thought it was her real name, because I'm quick like that.
So Tabulous
I mean wow, she's got blue hair, bet she hasn't heard THAT in a while.
SoCal Mom
We did Disney Land, together.
Stop, Drop and Blog
One hot momma, good thing she's married to a fireman.
Suburban Correspondent
Kids, vomit and mice, it's like we're living in the same house!
The Martha Project
She's real crafty, but a wee bit freakish about Halloween!
The Next Kid Thing
I kid you not, she knows a thing or two about kids!
Thin Spiral Notebook
It's Tahr-ruh, dammit.
Travels With Lizabeth
If it wasn't for her asking if I knew what a weblog was, you wouldn't be here.
Triple Venti
He's a little bit Starbucks, I run on DD; it's okay, we hugged it out.
Two Teens and Their Mama
She's a mom of boys AND brand new to blogging, welcome to the hood Lana!
Blogging 101
Crafters & DIY-ers
- A Beautiful Mess
- Easton Place Designs
- Finding Home
- Little Green Notebook
- Peppermint Bliss
- Young House Love
Foodie Friends
- A Southern Fairytale
- Barefeet in the Kitchen
- Dine and Dish
- French Foodie Mom
- Foodie With Family
- Jersey Bites
- Reluctant Entertainer
- Savoring the Thyme
- The Noshery