So, there's still time to grab a beverage, make a potty stop or perhaps a quick snack, if you would like. Okay...ready...GO!!
RECAP: Dining room, kitchen, living room, laundry/play room, girls' room, the boy's room (not shown) and my room (also, not shown) equals 7 rooms (not including bathrooms) and NOT a lot of places for 6 people to hide, really.
But, we love it (sort of!) and, well, it's our home.
DISCLOSURE: I am attempting to win the HGTV Dream Home for the Up-teenth time (DANGIT!) not that this will increase my chances of winning, or anything (see previous parenthisis) it's just that it is sometimes hard for other folks to believe that...YES!...there really are 6 people, living in a 7 room house, which no way even resembles a McMansion aaaaand...YES! Jersey :)
Thanks for coming, don't be a stranger and have a GREAT day!!!
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