Who's Parenting Who? Feed

Failing On MY OWN Terms, DAMMIT!

Warning: I’m about to dump a bunch of raw words into your feeds, but I really need to throw my intentions out into the ether, you know, to make sure that shit sticks. Okay, now that the straights are gone, I can open up and speak a couple of truths, and if you're still here, thank you! I walked away from my “dream job” a year ago: A position that allowed me to financially support our household, while GarthNHRN and I continued to help care for our handicapped parents. I turned my back on people (team members/friends) who trusted me... Read more →

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Bing translator comes up with some crazy sh*t on Facebook.

My dad and me, as seen on Facebook. My 3 oldest kids are on Facebook; once my youngest turns 13, I will probably allow her to create a Facebook account, too. Aaaaand, just like her older siblings, I will also insist that she "friend" me on Facebook, because I believe in being a fair and equally annoying parent to ALL of my children. Then, my parents got online and it wasn't long before I introduced my dad to Facebook. It's been fun watching my Dad reconnect with family members (who mostly live in Hungary and Austria) and he really enjoys... Read more →

© This Full House 2003-2022. All rights reserved.

Dealing with mean girls (and boys) from a teenager's point of view.

2 days into the new school year and my youngest has already had to deal with 7th grade (a.k.a. the birthing ground for mean) girls, who seem to be prepping themselves to be catty women when they grow up (if ever), and it's breaking my heart. Unfortunately, it's easy for us parents to say things like, "they're just jealous" and "because the new boy talked to you at lunch, first" or "they see you as a threat" because we've ALL been there, right?!? Aaaaaand, therein lies the rub. You see, my kids have a real hard time understanding (or even... Read more →

© This Full House 2003-2022. All rights reserved.

Pushing Buttons, On The Facebook

It's official, my parents are now on the internet. Or, at least, the 20 minutes of what I was able to show them Sunday night, because it took my husband Garth (not his real name) 2+ hours to actually get them online, which (to folks older than 20) is 2 hours, too long. A few weeks back, after introducing my father to Facebook, Apu immediately began sending messages to family in Hungary. It was not the introduction to the internet my parents were expecting -- especially, after everyone and my brother insisted that my parents really need to be on... Read more →

© This Full House 2003-2022. All rights reserved.

Planes, Migraines and Insensitive Asshats

I don't often go away, heck it's a gosh-darned event just to be able to get out on a date night with my husband....but, when I do...I drink Dos Equis...PSYCH!!!...just kidding, I hate beer. Aaaaanyway, what was I saying? (Looks up at ceiling, blows bangs out of eyes) Oh yeah, so this week I was traveling....as in, I physically got on an airplane and flew over several states....after double-dosing on Dramamine, of course....but, the last time I traveled....in an airplane, over several states...my youngest kid passes out while visiting Grandpa in the hospital...and, well, now maybe you know why I... Read more →

© This Full House 2003-2022. All rights reserved.

Maybe She Knows Something I Don't Know

What do you call the flower that grows between your nose and your chin? Tulips. Get it? Sorry, watched way too much Little Bear when my kids were little-er. A friend of mine called me yesterday and this is where my father would insist that...NO!...I don't have friends, I just know people AND after having said that would laugh the hardest (yeah, good one, dad!) Aaaaanyway, her youngest and my youngest are best friends, as of yesterday, as far as I know, anyway (they're 10 year-old girls, enough said.) "I've been very worried about you." Long story, short (you're welcome!)... Read more →

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